Chapter 23

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April 4, 2011 (3:30pm)

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” the woman demanded once again.

She was quick to recover from the shock, Sean thought as he watched her place the phone she was holding back on the receiver and said with a sweet smile, “Oh, I’m sorry! Judge Simons told me I can use his phone.”

“He did? He didn’t tell me,” the stout lady said, her voice doubtful.

“Yes, he did,” he watched Phoebe walk towards the lady, “I’m Karen, a friend of his,” she said in a way that the lady should be able to figure out by now who she was.

The lady looked her up and down and finally understood what’s happening. “That dirty old man…” Sean heard her mutter under her breath.

“Well, don’t worry, I’m not going to tell him you know about us,” Phoebe said in a whisper, looked at him over the woman’s shoulder and signaled with her eyes.

Understanding dawned on him and he quickly backed away and walked down the corridor. He did not realize he had been holding his breath. He looked back and saw Phoebe walking out of the judge’s office door with the stout lady glaring after her with face full of disapproval before disappearing back inside the office.

“I’m not ever going to do this with you again,” Sean whispered under his breath when she caught up with him.

She chuckled, “I knew you’ll say that,” she said.

“Were you able to do it?” he asked.

“Of course.”

“What took you so long then?”

“I looked through his office, trying my luck with the tape.”

“Didn’t you say Simons doesn’t have the tape?”

“I just wanted to be sure.”

“And what did you find?”

“Nothing,” she answered.

“Just what I thought,” he muttered.

After that incident at the Hall of Justice, Sean needed a moment to calm his nerves. They went out to grab some beer.

“You really need to change,” he said, looking at her skirt.

“I’ll do that later,” she gulped down beer.

“Hey, slow down,” he held her by the wrist.

Her green eyes snapped irritably. “Why are you being such a nagger?”

“I’m just concerned, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay. I don’t need you caring for me, you understand? If you start getting lovey dovey after one night of sleeping together, don’t expect me to climb back in bed with you.”

He laughed out loud, holding up his hands, “Okay, okay, whatever you say, boss. Just don’t kick me out of your bed—I’m liking if so far.”

“Then stop acting like a mother,” she snapped.

He leaned across the table and kissed her mouth, “Sure. I’m not your mother anyway.”

“Good,” she finally let off a small smile.


Lawson and Tanaka waited for Senator Stuart to come out of his office, and when he did, they approached him with their badges.

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