Chapter 25

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April 5, 2011 (10:00am)

“Mr. Lightman,” Paul Carter stood up behind his desk to shake his hand.

“I’m not staying long,” Sean said and sat down the chair opposite Carter.

“You told me on the phone you have information about the green-eyed killer?”

He nodded. “Yes, I met her during Finn’s party.”

“What made you so sure you met the green-eyed killer?”

“I know the green-eyed killer is Kyla Howard—the girl who saved my life. I have been searching for her ever since and I got lucky to connect everything before you did.”

“Why did you keep it to yourself?” Carter asked.

“Because I didn’t want my name involved,” he said. He would never tell anyone about his plan to help her get revenge because it would mean a lot of trouble. And hell if he would tell anyone he’d fallen in love with the green-eyed killer. “And lately, I realized that Finn needs justice. He has been a friend to me and I want to help you catch her,” he added to make his story more believable.

Carter looked at him for a long time before finally accepting his reasons. “It’s a good thing you decided to talk to us—”

“Please, I don’t want to talk to anyone else. I called you because I trust you to keep my name out of this.”

“Of course, Mr. Lightman, know that I will keep it confidential. Now…” Carter started uncomfortably.

“Phoebe Knowles,” Sean blurted out the name Carter was planning to ask. “Her name is Phoebe Knowles. She owns a bookstore near St. Catherine Orphanage.”

Carter seemed to have stopped breathing for a moment, relishing the very name he and his team had been trying to find for days. He stood up and said, “Thank you, Mr. Lightman. We’ll check her out and be assured that your name will be kept a secret.” He shifted his weight back and forth on his heels, showing his excitement.

“I’ll show myself out and wait until only a few people can see my exit,” Sean offered, the man accepted and left the room shouting over his lungs for someone named Tanaka and Lawson.

Sean stayed inside Carter’s office until almost everyone entered the conference room where the detectives were probably now planning the capture of the green-eyed killer.


Everything happened so fast.

The knock on her door, the handcuffs, and the warrant of arrest stuck right in her face…

She didn’t know how to react or what to expect. All she knew was that she’s in handcuffs and police officers were dragging her out of her apartment. Her neighbors peeped through the small cracks of their doors, horror and curiosity in their faces.

Sean Lightman.

It’s the only name that came running around and around her head.

The officers didn’t have to drag her all the way. She accepted her fate.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you.” They didn’t have to read to her the Miranda rights. She’s aware of that.

Her plan…that’s all she could think of now. Desperation…finality…failure… She couldn’t have that.

No, she cried in her mind desperately.

Her plan…

Sean Lightman, I really hope to see you soon, she promised…


“I can’t believe this…” Tanaka said with wonder and awe as she and Lawson looked at the lady climbing inside the police car. “Is this really happening? I mean, did we really get her? Is she the right one?”

“Believe it,” Lawson replied, puffing out smoke. “I’m glad we got her, so I really wish it’s her.”

“How did the chief knew of her?”

“He said it’s confidential. He got a tip from someone.”

“Do you have any idea who?”

“No, and I don’t really want to find out.”

“She’s beautiful,” she said with a trace of disappointment and regret.

“She’s a murderer,” Lawson reminded her.

“I know…but…she’s been through a lot…she’s seen too much…”

“Oh God, don’t start getting soft again,” he threw the butt of cigarette on the ground and turned. “Let’s go, we got a lot of things to do.”

“What about the cover-up in 1996? What do we do with it?”

He shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. The case has been closed. The chief doesn’t want us digging into it in fear that the Senator won't like it.”

“But what if there’s a bigger catch here? The killer in 1996 is still out there. The person who headed the cover-up is still alive—probably others as well.”

“Tanaka,” Lawson looked at her intently, “let’s do things one at a time, okay?”

Tanaka looked at him for a few seconds before she nodded and followed him to the car.


Sean sipped the glass of brandy in his hand, looking down at the dark liquid.

His mind was whirling with so many things. He’d been reassuring himself over and over that he did the right thing.

I had to do it, he reminded himself.

Yes, that’s right. He couldn’t let his feelings get in the way.

He got up and went to his office with so much weight on his shoulders.

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