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April 7, 2013 (2:00pm)

Two years were enough to gather back all the evidence and reopen Peter Thomas' case. Paul Carter underwent a trial and John Stuart and his son were immediately arrested two years ago.

The new Chief, Sunny Lawson, never spoke of the green-eyed killer to anyone. Grace Tanaka promised that they would not rest until the killer was captured. Both of them knew that would be impossible, but they still had to try.

She went to see Peter when he was finally released from prison. He was not too happy with everything she did, but he was thankful.

Judge Simons disappeared just as Carter was arrested. She did not bother look for him.

Fully healed, she was ready to take on another big step...

Sean was in his home office when Lawrence came in. He looked up as the young man strode towards him.

"Someone's at the gate looking for you," his assistant said.


"She said her name is Amanda Bane."

Without another word, Sean shot to his feet and ran out much to his assistant's surprise. He ran as fast as he could and when he got out of his front doors, he stopped. There, outside his gates stood the most beautiful woman that had always invaded his dreams.

Slowly, he walked the short distance towards the gates, his face unreadable. Some part of her changed, but she was still his Kyla—his Phoebe. She smiled as he approached and the guard opened the gates that separated them. She met him halfway and was immediately grabbed in his arms.

"God, I missed you..." he groaned.

"Really?" she looked up at him and he frowned.

"Your eyes are blue."

"They are still looking for the green-eyed killer, you know..." she explained.

"Yeah, I heard," he smiled. He kissed her for a long time. When their lips finally separated, he said, "You can't walk out again."

She snorted, "I won't."

He took her bag from her hands and led her back into the house. "I'm sure you'll be proud of me when I tell you that I took care of that man..."

She didn't have to ask who he was talking about: The killer. She was happy to hand over to him that task. She had had enough of killing anyway.

"I heard," she uttered, circling her arm around his waist.

She was not proud of what she did, but she was happy nonetheless.

Her plan did not work as perfectly as she thought, but Sean was there to fix it.

And it worked.

Yes, surely the consequences would come and she would face it when they did. For now, she'd try to live. After all, she had plans to make with the man beside her and she's looking forward to it.


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