Chapter 26

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April 5, 2011 (12:00pm)

Senator Stuart dialed his number for the first time. “I heard Lightman was the one who gave the information that led to the green-eyed killer’s arrest.”

“How did you know? I thought the authorities are not talking.”

“I know a lot of people,” he snapped. “Now tell me, will this mean I’ll be safe? Are you sure they have the right killer?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Good,” Stuart said before disconnecting.


“Come on, Kyla, we know who you are. You don’t have to pretend anymore,” Lawson said. “We have your DNA to match your old dental records.”

“And the ones we acquired from the kiss marks,” Tanaka added.

Right now, and for the past couple of hour, they’ve been interrogating her. They’re not even bothering to play bad cop/good cop.

“And that is enough evidence to put you behind bars for life,” Lawson uttered, his eyes boring down on hers.

She kept silent.

“Why did you do it, Kyla? Why kill all those men? It’s about 1996 isn’t it?” Tanaka asked again.

Her green eyes went to the female detective, but her lips remained closed.

“You know what happened in 1996,” Lawson’s voice was not questioning, but stated a fact.

“Talk to us,” Tanaka almost sounded pleading. “It may not help you escape prison, but it will help Peter Thomas,” she finished.

The mention of Peter’s name gave off a response. “Peter doesn’t wish for justice anymore,” she spoke for the first time.

Tanaka and Lawson stood there frozen in front of her, taking in the sound of her voice. For days, they’ve been studying and analyzing this woman, but to hear her soft voice for the first time sent chills through both of them. “You deprived him of justice long time ago.”

“And you decided to give your parents and Peter justice by killing those men?” Lawson demanded.

Again, no answer. After all, she had the right to remain silent.

“Tell us what happened in 1996, Kyla,” Tanaka asked again. “We want to catch these guys as much as you do.”

Her green emerald eyes glared at them, “Will you? Will you catch them if you knew who they are?”

“Yes.” Lawson’s reply was strong and with conviction and his eyes never wavering.

She liked him. If there’s one more person she could trust with the truth, it’s him. But she trusted Sean. She couldn’t trust another one. Sean was enough.

Maybe in time, she’d give Lawson a shot. She had to think—tread in water, as what they said.

“I doubt it,” was all she said.

“You’re never going to tell us, are you?” Tanaka asked.

She did not answer that. Right now, silence was her only weapon.

“Do you know about the tape?” Lawson asked. When she did not utter another word of reply, he turned to leave.

“Where are you going?” Tanaka asked him.



“She’s not going to talk, Tanaka,” he said with certainty.

Tanaka looked at her and said, “Kyla, you will have to talk. And don’t wish for bail by the way. You can’t have it.”

She already figured that one out.

“You’ll spend the night here. Tomorrow, you’ll be transferred to prison to await your trial. Your case may not be directly related to the 1996 cover-up, but if you talk, Peter Thomas’ case can be reopened and you’ll both have justice.”

She didn’t meet Tanaka’s eyes.

The detective took one last look at her and walked out the door with Lawson.

Not a minute later, a uniformed officer walked in and took her to her cell.


Sean watched the news of the green-eyed killer’s arrest. No information on the identity yet. People were demanding, but the authorities kept their words that they wouldn’t say a word.

Stuart must have requested that. He feared that Kyla Howard’s name would be linked to the case in 1996.

Sean got up and walked out the door.

There’s no need to watch the news anymore. He already knew more than anyone.

***Just wanna let you guys know that I dedicate this whole work to my sister nerdlnxtdoor...if it wasn't for her, I would still be stuck in this story...and now, it has an ending... yay! thanks, sis!!!

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