1: Beginning to the Relaxing Life of a Cat

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(This is a drawing I made 💁‍♀️)

Harry was slowly plucking the weeds from his aunt's garden, counting them as he went on. 1. . . 2 . . . 3 . . .  Although, he could barely get to the fifth weed in the garden when a loud sputtering noise came closer to the home.

Vernon was home.

Harry froze as he reached to the 6th weed he found, he wasn't done. He had to finish. What would happen if he didn't? He would surely be punished by his uncle for being a slow and ungrateful freak. They gave him a roof and occasionally food and water, the least he could do is finish his chores.

"I wish I could just run away, without a trace of me left behind." He spoke with barely a sound escaping his lips.

Suddenly, he felt a horrible feeling rush through his body. It felt like a lightning bolt striking him on the head and traveling slowly through his body. A horrible pain started on the top of his head and on his tail bone. He screamed, surprisingly sounding like a meow. He shrunk down in size to where he was about as tall as the legs of a small chair when he was standing on his feet.

He couldn't figure out what to do, what was happening to him?

"BOY, WHERE ARE YOU?" His uncle's voice echoed through the ground and Harry feel down to his hands and knees, this felt more comfortable than standing up normally.

Harry was sure his uncle would call him a freak for doing such an abnormal thing to himself.

But, when his uncle came strutting by (causing something that could be mistaken with an earthquake to follow him) he ignored the tiny Harry below him.

"What is he doing?" Harry thought to himself, ashamed at his uncle's ignorance he let his head fall to stare at the ground.

Something was different though, there were paws in place of where his hands should be, and thick brown, almost black, fur surrounding his neck. 

Harry gasped, but a meow could be heard from a human's perspective.

He was a cat, or otherwise kitten.

(Forgot to publish this part 💀💀)

Severus's cat (Severitus)Where stories live. Discover now