3: Where is he?

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Term was soon going to start in less then a week. Snape got quite comfortable to sharing his quarters with a kitten, who he soon named Ayrer but refused to call it by its name or he might seem attached. The cat has warmed up to him a bit, although still jumpy and quite distanced.

Snape also has recently discovered human-like behaviors, but decided to ignore them despite how alarming it is.

What was more alarming though was Harry Potter, the boy who lived, still hasn't replied to the letter McGonagall sent about Hogwarts. They sent Hagrid yesterday to give him the letter in person in case the thousands of owls sent have been stopped somehow (which was impossible) but Hagrid returned with no Harry and the letter scrunched up in his large palm.

When he came back he was stiff, not a good sign, anyone could tell that.

"He uhmm er he ran away or- or musta got los'." The half-giant's voice echoed through the room then silence took over.

No one knew what to do, Dumbledore, Mrs and Mr Weasley, McGonagall, Snape, and Snape's cat all stared at the half-giant. Snape nervously started petting his cat aggressively on the head, causing him to purr silently. Yes, he thought the boy was a brat, but with all the death eaters and criminals still loose they could harm the boy.

Soon McGonagall chose to break the silence, "Well, surely you have some way to track him?" she questioned the elder man to her right.

Dumbledore sighed, the twinkle deflated quickly from his eyes. "Regrettably, we used magic so no one could track Harry, not even us."

Harry Potter, night
Harry couldn't sleep that night, people were looking for him? Someone actually cared about him... As a human? The only kind gesture that he ever witnessed towards him was as a cat, but now a whole school staff was looking for him, someone they didn't know?

Harry was very confused by this, and decided, as a way to get out the confused frustration, to knock things down.


Snape groaned as he was awoken to a large crash coming from his studies, realizing the absence of a feline friend cuddled up against him.

He got out of bed and grabbed his wand, in case it was an intruder and not his cat.

He made his way to his studies and when he was outside of the door, he saw a silhouette of a boy standing there. He froze in shock, taking a moment to recover then swiftly incanted the spell lumos. When the wand lit up, he saw his small cat, staring up at him with his large green innocent eyes.

Snape couldn't help but glare at the cat then picked him up. The kitten softly put its paw against his hooked nose as greeting.

"Merlin, of course I have a trouble-making cat. I'm ecstatic."

A/N Haha tricked you 💁🏽‍♀️

Severus Snape, September 1st

The Potter boy still wasn't found yet, and everyone was worried. The only good point about this is the wizarding world doesn't know about any of it. The teacher's have yet to think of a way to conceal the boy's absence from school, but no solutions came around.

The first years were coming back from the trip across the lake, soon to be sorted. Snape kept the cat in his quarters during the sorting.

He dozed off, not paying attention as the first years were sorted, until a name echoed across the great hall, silence following.

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