4: Detention 😿😿

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Severus couldn't help but stare at Harry the whole potions class, Harry added random steps that weren't in the book he had assigned as a source for the class while his partner, Neville, watched in his seat eyeing the cauldron. It was quite obvious he was thinking hard about his movements before doing anything that can't be reversed, even though Severus or the textbook haven't even said a word about the ingredients he added— well, at least not in this class.

Snape groaned as he made his way to their table. "Mr. Potter, mr. Longbottom care to explain why you're not following the instructions?" Snape snapped at the pair infront of him. Although, unlike the usual cheery self Potter usually portrayed, he was frowning up at Snape. The other was staring anxiously at his feet dangling a few centimeters above the cold floor determined to not lock eyes with the stern professor.

"Well, I picked up techniques for potion-making . . . Somewhere and wanted to try it out?" Potter explained slowly although someone could hardly tell if it was a phrase or question. Meanwhile Neville was cringing and moving his eye to the hand Potter had grasping the knife. Severus (A/N his name is so pretty tbh) continued glaring down at them.

"Oh, did you?" Snape leaned closer to peer at the cauldron.

To Severus' disappointment, the cauldron seemed to be correct; well as correct as an unfinished potion could possibly be. Snape couldn't help the troubled expression that appeared at the sight of the contents of it. "Well, your potion is . . . sufficient. Did you even use the techniques or just fake them? Detention tonight, Mr. Potter and Mr. Longbottom, 7:00 pm. For lying to a professor. The detention will take place in here." Neville paled at the mere thought of what Snape could have them do. Maybe hang upside down from the ceiling for three hours?

Potter looked up at him with a frown plastered onto his face and moved his hand to attempt to calm, although failing, the paling Neville next to him. "We're sorry, sir." This time, Harry looked down at his feet instead of bravely looking the dungeon-bat in the eye.

Snape stood up, a scowl present on his face.

He wiped inexistent flint off his robes and pulled up his sleeves. "You added random steps to your potion, so you say, putting the whole school in danger; including each other." Snape remarked.

"But what if we know it works?" Potter questioned as he fidgeted with a loose splinter on the table.

"Oh, please enlighten us where you figured these great techniques out?" Severus sarcastically remarked. Snape smirked as an abundance of snickers can be heard around the room.

Harry Potter, 6:34
Harry decided to get to detention earlier than needed. He felt he was required to do most of the work, Neville was just his partner while Harry was the one who actually did the things.

Despite the fact he felt he had to do this, Harry couldn't help but fiddle with his fingers as he waited hesitantly outside the potions classroom. Was he wrong about Snape's personality? He was only with him for about a week. How much can you know about someone's personality after knowing them for a week without even a conversation where both talked?

As Harry was stuck in his thoughts the door slowly creaked open, making him jump at the sudden noise.

"Potter, it's half an hour before your detention starts." Snape's lip curled in disgust at the boy standing at his classroom door.

"Well- I . . . Um, I wanted to start- uhh start work early, sir- sir. May I?" Harry shivered from the dungeon's cold atmosphere as he spoke with his eyes meeting everywhere but Snape's piercing eyes.

Severus groaned and stepped away from the door to let the boy in. He was reluctant to spend anymore time with the boy as it was but he couldn't leave the boy standing outside.

"Thank you, s-sir." Harry nodded to Snape as he stepped into the cold classroom.

"Well, let's not waste your precious time," Snape spat out sarcastically before pulling out his wand.

Harry began to anxiously lean weight from one foot to another, 'what was he gonna have me do? I mean, it can't be that bad. There's probably school rules against anything harmful! But that didn't stop other people . . . No it's fine, he wouldn't. I may have only spent a week with him but I still know him . . . Kinda. . .Right?'

Harry spent time considering all possible punishments while Snape was telling Harry to not touch a single thing. After he finished lecturing Harry, he swished his wand and cauldrons came flying on top of the table closest to the teacher's desk. They were piled in rows of 2 with 7 columns atop the desk. They were filled with goo that was the remains of the many failed potions on the first day.

"Don't scratch them, your incapability is immeasurable so I feel I need to remind you." Snape snapped at the boy and shooed him away.

"Yes... yes sir." Harry shivered again as he made his way to the table. He grabbed a cloth and bucket of water and started scrubbing at the goo. He knew how to do this, it was simple. Too simple? So, there's no way there isn't a catch.

Wait, no. This is Severus Snape. I know him, right? Yeah, I do.

Snape was sat at his desk grading a stack of papers while trying to make sure Potter didn't mess up.

Although, it didn't happen. He seemed surprisingly good at it, even if he was zoning out. Good to know his guardians had some discipline at least.

(A/N I almost put parents instead of guardians on accident, and we all know what happened to them😻😻)


|Later, Neville|

Neville gulps as he makes his way to the potion's door reluctantly. Oh, how he wished this was the greenhouse instead.

He was excited for potions at first, it had quite a bit to do with plants and what they're used for meaning it would be an essential for herbology which he took a liking to at a young age.

Although, his excitement was crushed once he saw the professor storm into the classroom the first time. In replacement for the excitement that so abruptly left, fear took its place.

The only reason he was in-front of the door was because the fact he was in Gryffindor, the house of bravery. So, he had to be brave. At least, that's what he's told.

While the train of thoughts came to an end, he finally scooped up the courage he had to look deep within himself for and slowly knocked on the door.

He could hear a sigh come from inside before a gravelly voice answered, "You may enter."

Neville shivered at the cold rush of wind as he opened the door. He examined the contents of the room and immediately noticed Harry lined up at a table covered in a pile of 3 cleaned cauldrons with 11 yet to be cleaned ones.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Are you such a dunderhead you can't see what you're supposed to be doing?" Snape scoffed from across the room while scribbling inside of a notebook.

"Oh! Yes, pro-professor!" Neville shivered as he toppled his way over to an unoccupied cauldron.




1316 words

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