Part three 🔥

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Thalia 🌹

I kept to myself that I fucked him last night, there was something about him that just called to me. He was sexy and mysterious. Although I knew who he was, I didn't know who he was.

Gwyn came around the corner, as she perked up. "Thalia! I'm so glad I caught you, would you care to join us while we train?"

"Hey Gwyn. Thanks for the invite, but I'll pass." I gave her a small smile.

"Oh, okay sure!" She strolled by me and out the door.

I walked into the study and picked up one of my latest romance novels. I settled on the couch, wine and snacks appearing next to me.

"Thalia?" Azriel called out.

I groaned, putting my book down. "What do you want?"

"Why didn't you want to go train?" He asked, leaning against the door.

"All I do is train! I don't have a fucking life! I'm stuck in this house, I'm fucking miserable... All I want to do is read my gods damn book!" I yelled at him.

His eyes narrowed, as he sighed. "Do you want to go to Windhaven, is that it? I'm protecting you Thalia, why can't you see that?"

"Well maybe I don't need protection! I don't even have any fucking wings!" I screamed at him.

His face softened, "Come here."

"Stop babying me! I'm over two hundred years old!" I huffed out.

Az wrapped his arms around me, as I stiffened. "I'm sorry if I'm overbearing. I just want to keep you safe. You know all the things they did to us in Windhaven... I'm trying to shelter you from that."

I melted into his arms. "Can I go visit Feyre?" I asked hopefully.

He perked up, "Of course you can. Shall I take you there?"

I nodded, "Thank you."

Eris 🔥

Focusing on anything else but my mystery mate was damn near impossible. I couldn't get her scent out of my brain.

I put my head in my hands, as I groaned. I had to figure out her name and who she was.

Arion nodded on the door, as he leaned against it. "When was the last time you ate... Or bathed."

I sighed, "I can't stop thinking about her."

"Well of course you can't, she's your mate." Arion frowned.

"I just don't need any of this right now... Not until my father is taken care of."

Arion sighed, "Go bathe and then we can eat and drink somewhere."

"Fine." I grumbled.

I entered my room, making a beeline for the bath. Her eyes looked familiar, like I've seen them before.

I sunk into the bath and submerged myself. I came up and washed quickly, as I exited and dressed.

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