Part one 🔥

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Warning- Mentions of Sexual Content

Eris 🔥

The Autumn Court... A place of beauty and utter disgusting tragedy.

I couldn't wait till the downfall of my father struck this court. All I wanted was to be happy, to have my mother be happy. To have my brother Lucien not despise me and every single thing I did.

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face, as I stared out into the crisp morning, leaves falling everywhere. I hated who I was... I longed to just be Eris. Not Eris Vanserra, son of Beron.

Just... Eris.

I looked up to see my head guard Arion strolling towards me. He was as close to a friend that I had... My only friend.

"Good morning." He said cheerfully.

"You're the only one who's ever cheerful." I scowled.

"Calanmai is tonight, are you excited?" Arion asked, crossing his arms.

"What's there to be excited about? I find a pretty fae to fuck to distract myself and then return to my wretched life." I muttered.

"Everything is going to plan." Arion murmured, as I raised my brow.

"Oh?" I poured us some tea and gestured for him to sit.

"My spies indicate that your father is ill. Soon no one shall know what happened to Beron." Arion murmured, sipping his tea.

I smirked, I've been planning my fathers demise for years now. The reason I stay in this horrid place is to protect my people and my mother. Everyone else can burn for all I care. This court is filled with monsters, thieves, deceit, and heartache.

"Good, we shall not speak another word then. Killing a High Lord is a crime.... But no one said anything about natural causes." I smirked, draining my cup dry.

"Shall I find you a pretty female to fuck tonight?" Arion asked.

I shrugged, "I'll find one when I get there. Hopefully I don't run into anyone else from the other courts."

Arion gave me a look of pity and sadness. "Soon you can explain everything to Lucien."

"That's if he'll listen." I remarked dryly.

Arion got up and clapped me on the shoulder, "I'll see you later then."

About two hours later, I fixed myself up and sauntered over to the Spring Court. Calanmai was in full effect with all High Fae invited to join. The High Lords fucked a High Fae to restore the magic back to the lands. Everyone else just got to enjoy the festivities. My father hasn't included himself in Calamai in years, often volunteering me in his place. This year was no different.

I looked around and saw Tamlin, High Lord of Spring, conversing with Lucien.

I walked a little further down and saw Tarquin of the Summer court chatting with his two cousins, Varian and Cresseida.

I sighed, I hated this. The drums started pounding, as the night was now in full effect. My body seized up, as magic flowed through me. I snarled and tore off my shirt, desperate to find the maiden and release all my energy. It was a hunt... a game... Who could find her first.

I stalked further on down and saw a breathtaking female. Her lush hips and full breasts called to me. She was stunning. I stalked closer and saw she was already half naked. She had gorgeous, thick blonde hair and hazel eyes.

She looked me over and smirked, "Well, what do we have here?"

I snarled and circled around her. "You should run."

She laughed, "Seems you should be the one running from me."

I growled and tackled her to the ground, "I gave you the option to run, should have taken it." I leaned down and breathed in her scent. I groaned, licking a small line up her neck.

She laughed softly, "Eager?"

I ripped off the rest of her pathetically small looking outfit, as she giggled.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Do names really matter on Calanmai?" She asked, dragging her nail across my shoulder.

"Don't you want to know who I am?" I asked again.

Her eyes gleamed mischievously, "I know exactly who you are... Eris Vanserra... Heir to the Autumn Court."

I quickly got up, as she gave me a coy look. "What's the matter? Don't wish to fuck someone who knows your name?"

"I don't wish to fuck someone who uses my full name." I snarled. The magic was getting to me and I needed to find release now. She wasn't the maiden... But fuck was he heavily attracted to her.

"You should go." I said, as I turned and stalked in the other direction.

I felt her lunge at me, knocking us both to the ground. My eyes widened while she pinned my arms above my head. She grinded herself down onto me, as I felt it... The gods damn mating bond snapping right into place.

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