Part six 🌹

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Thalia 🌹

I didn't know much about the other Courts besides the ones I heard about. Obviously, I'm well versed in my Court, but I only knew Eris was from Autumn because I heard Rhys speaking about it.

I knew a little about the Summer Court, seeing as I had a huge crush on their High Lord. But every other court was a mystery to me. I took my time pampering myself, and then slipped into a pretty dress that was dropped off by Arion.

I strolled out into the hall to hear him and Eris speaking quietly.

Due to the fact that my brother was who he was, I was excellent at spying. I crept closer to listen to what they were saying.

"Everything should be done in three days' time." Arion spoke, swirling whiskey around in his glass.

"Good, then I can fully focus on the fact that I have a mate." Eris drawled.

I felt like I was going to be sick... Eris had a mate... and I was kissing him. Shame washed over me, as tears pricked my eyes. I wanted to go home. I missed my mother and I didn't belong in the Night Court.

I went to turn, as I bumped right into a hard body. "Hello." The male said, staring at me.

He only had one eye. The other was mechanical.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"And why are you spying on my brother and his guard?" The male asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"I..." as soon as I went to finish, they emerged from around the corner.

"Lucien." Eris said, coolly.

"I found this one spying on your conversation." Lucien said, smoothly.

"I wasn't spying!" I argued.

A light grin played on Eris' lips. "Lucien, this is Thalia."

Lucien's eyes widened, "Your brother has been worried sick. He's been freaking out looking for you."

I groaned, "Please don't tell him I'm here, I'm mad at him."

"Who's your brother?" Eris asked.

"Azriel." Lucien frowned.

Eris choked, "Azriel is your fucking brother?!"

I sighed, "Half brother... But yes. I thought you knew I was from the Night Court."

Eris swore and then disappeared, as Arion grimaced. "Why are you here Lucien?"

"Father is ill, he doesn't have much longer... I just came to inform Eris. Not that we both give a shit that he's dying."

"Your father is dying?" I asked.

Lucien nodded, "Which is odd because High Fae have a hard time dying unless it's a direct attack."

"Are you going to tell Azriel you found me?" I gave him my best puppy eyes.

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