Part seventeen 🔥

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Warning- Mature Sexual Content

Thalia 🌹

"How old are you?" I asked.

Ares smiled a bit, "I'm Two Hundred and Thirty Two... You?"

"I'm Two hundred and Three... Finally... Someone closer to my age."

Ares laughed, "You are a delight. How did you end up with Eris?"

"We met on Calanmai. Your brother is... well he's more than meets the eye. Let's just say that."

"But you're so warm and friendly." Ares said, tucking his free hand in his pocket.

"I'm looking forward to all of us finally getting to sit down and chat. Not sure about that one though... seems like a prick." I nodded over to Odin and frowned.

Ares tensed. "He is a prick."

I snorted, "I like you."

He grinned, "You'll make an excellent High Lady."

"I'm nervous. It's a lot to take in." I sighed and chewed on my lip.

I looked behind me to see Eris chatting with Arion, as they both threw winks at me.

"Did you wear a mask too?" I asked.

Ares blew out a breath, "We all did... I wasn't even supposed to be born. Is my mother okay?"

"She was staying with us."

Ares' eyes fell, "Arion was supposed to bring me to you all... but my fathers guard caught us. Arion was attacked and I told him to save my mother. Father had me whipped and Arion came back for me... But I couldn't leave."

"I'm so sorry... For everything you've had to endure."

His lip wobbled, as he pulled himself together. "Glad that bastard is dead."

"Aren't we all?" I grinned, as we finally stopped outside. "Woah... This is breathtaking."

In the actual fall... It's magical. I have to admit, I was most nervous to see how Eris was going to rule. But with you as his queen, I have...Hope."

"That's very kind of you to say." I spoke softly.

"Thank you for being sweet to me. You don't know how much I've needed it." Ares grinned, and then walked over to Arion.

"Someone likes you." Eris murmured, slipping his arms around my waist from behind.

"He reminds me of you. Poor thing just needed some kindness and attention."

"We're all starved for kindness and attention here Thalia, but I'm happy you can bring that to us."

I faced him and kissed his lips softly. "I love you... High Lord."

His eyes gleamed mischievously, "I love you most... High Lady."

"Where are we going to be living?" I asked, as I grabbed his hand and we strolled through the leaves.

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