Part thirteen 🔥

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Eris 🔥

A spread of food appeared as I dug in. I was ravenous. I'm sure if Thalia were awake she would be too.

I ate my fill of food and decided to go get some air. I wandered outside to find my mother perched in the sand, staring off into the ocean.

"Mother? What are you doing out here?" I asked softly.

"Eris... my sweet boy... come sit next to me."

She patted the sand beside her and I sat down and a blanket appeared, as I gently placed it over her shoulders.

"Do you think Helion would accept me?" She asked, playing with the edge of her blanket.

I swallowed thickly, "Yes... I do believe he would."

She nodded, "I'm excited to meet your mate. I heard she's a very lovely girl."

"Thalia is exceptional. I'm sure you'll both get along really well." I replied.

"I'm ready for your father to be gone. It's been far too long since I was just me... Just Aveta."

"I also look forward to that day." I spoke quietly.

"I'm so sorry for everything you've had to do. Everything you've been through. I failed you as a mother..." She trailed off, as tears slid down her cheeks.

"Don't you ever say that. You haven't failed me as a mother. Neither I nor Lucien think that." I said firmly. I gently wiped her tears away and hugged her to my side.

"I love you, everything I've done has been for you. Remember that." I murmured.

She clung to me, sobs wrecking her. I held my mother for as long as she needed. She never deserved this. I was determined to give Thalia the best life she could ever possibly want.

"It's late, how about I help you to your room so you can rest. We can all have a big breakfast in the morning."

My mother nodded, giving me a small smile. "Nothing would make me happier. Can we invite Lucien?"

I tensed. "I'll see if he would like to join."

"You're a good man Eris, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." She kissed my cheek and we walked back inside.

I led my mother down to her room, as I bid her goodnight.

"I love you." She said, kissing my forehead and smoothing down my hair.

"I love you as well." I hugged her tight and she shut the door.

I sighed, inviting Lucien to breakfast was going to be hell. But he wanted to make his mother happy... So that's what he'll do.

I opened the door to my room to find Thalia sprawled out across the whole bed. I grinned and moved her gently, as she curled herself into me.

I dropped gentle kisses on her shoulder and up to her face. "I love you." I whispered into her hair.

I stared up at the ceiling for a while before sleep took me.

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