Aini Daiyu Rouge (Marvel OC)

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Full name: Aini Daiyu Rouge

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Full name: Aini Daiyu Rouge

Nicknames: Yu, Yui, Ai, Rouge, Dai, Lightbulb (she doesn't like it, but will tolerate it if she'd called it by a close friend.)

Preferred name: Aini

Face Claim: Wan Peng

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Face Claim: Wan Peng

Alias: Daybreak

Powers/Abilities: She can emit light from any/all parts of her body. She can adjust the brightness, as well as choose which part(s) of her body are lit up. She can also control the light she emits (as in refracting light to make a rainbow, or a mirage). If her light is bright enough, it can blind a person. Her powers are not completely tested or controlled at the moment, so she can only hold her maximum brightness for about two minutes.

Age: 20

Sexuality: bisexual but leans towards females

Gender + Pronouns: female + she/her

It's almost as if her powers reflects her personality: she's typically a warm and optimistic person. She's rather friendly, as well, and tends to have little to no problems jumping in with a group of new people - well, she would if she hadn't accidentally scared away many of her peers with her accidental use of her powers. She's always looking on the bright side - it's one of plenty of things about her that can seem quite childish to others. She believes if she believes in the best possible outcome and has hope, everything will work out in the end. She's pretty impatient and impulsive, but she strives to leave no regrets. If she's insulted, she'll usually brush it off with a chuckle. Come after her loved ones, though, and she won't stand for it. When it's for someone else, she can be quite petty. She is selfless, though that doesn't mean she won't take care of herself, or indulge herself once in a while. She's a hopeless romantic at heart, though it's more for others than herself. She likes seeing others happy in loving relationships. And while a part of her does want that, she's not worried about that much yet. She feels that life is too short to just worry about if you'll meet your soulmate. She's pretty superstitious, and always carries a small piece of paper with a dried Eranthis (her grandfather's favorite flower) on her.

Her parents had her when they had been too young and irresponsible to take care of a child. So, she was taken into the care of her paternal grandfather, who was a nature photographer by trade. He was a kind and gentle man, and he did his best to give Aini everything she wanted. He taught her many things, including gardening - which was his main hobby. When she was little, she wanted more material things since other kids at school had them. But as she grew older, she realized how hard it was for her grandfather to raise her all by himself. He'd never told her that, or made her feel like a burden at all, but still, that didn't change the fact it wasn't easy to raise a child. Her powers first became apparent when she was seven years old. Her grandfather had just picked her up from school, and he'd taken her to a nearby park. There, she'd make a flower crown (of dandelions - I know they're not a flower, but she liked the color), and given it to her grandfather. Upon hearing her grandfather's praise of her artwork, and seeing him smile as he let her put the flower crown on his head, she literally glowed with happiness. Her entire body emitted light, though only for a couple of seconds. The light was as bright as a fairly new lightbulb. That first time, it had happened so quickly that her grandfather had thought he'd imagined it. As it occurred more and more over the next couple years, they couldn't deny it any longer - she had powers that most would deem 'unnatural'. Her grandfather simply accepted it as a part of her. Besides, he wouldn't have known how to find someone who could help her learn to control her powers. Aini explored her powers in the safety of her grandfather's home over the next few years. And while she'd tried to keep her powers secret, it was not easy. She often let her emotions get the best of her, and sometimes, she'd accidentally let her power loose and wherever she carried her stress most would start to glow.
When she was fifteen and a half, her grandfather got pneumonia, and while he survived, he remained very weak and sickly. So, he stayed at the hospital for his own safety and wellness. The day he'd been taken to the hospital, Aini had feared he'd succumb to the illness and she'd lose him. To ease her fears and stress, she'd headed outside to get some fresh air. It was there at the front entrance to the hospital that she'd been approached by Nick Fury due to her powers. From there, she started training with other kids around her age to learn how to control and hone their powers.

Love interest?: currently, Ciro Delicao (another of my OCs)

Can they die?: Yes

Can they be injured?: Yes

Optimism, loyalty, kindness, friendly, selflessness

Naive, gullible, impatient, impulsive, childish

Likes: sweets, flowers, mythology and lore, trying new experiences or foods, meeting new people, romance novels

Dislikes: being helpless/useless, bitter tastes, snakes, hurting someone (whether with her powers, physically, or with her words - still the same to her), the dark

Quotes: (4)
"Hey! Nice to- Oh- whoops, didn't mean to blind you there."

"Ooo, you have a crush on them, don't you?,"

"Hahaha, yeah, I'm not the most careful person around." *sheepishly smiles*

"You know what would be perfect right now? Pancakes. With lots of whip cream and maple syrup."

- She loves sweet foods (especially caramel or caramel-flavored things)
- She always carries around a small picture her grandfather took of an Eranthis flower
- She will eat breakfast foods any time of day
- She knows a lot about flowers and their meanings
- She's always wanted a goat for a pet
- Had she not developed powers, she likely would have become a florist

Theme Songs:
- Dream On (Miyano Mamoru)
- Meeting You (Crush (c-drama) OST - Evan Lin & Wan Peng)
- Fearless - Taylor Swift
- Smile Magic

Theme Songs:- Dream On (Miyano Mamoru)- Meeting You (Crush (c-drama) OST - Evan Lin & Wan Peng)- Fearless - Taylor Swift- Smile Magic

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