Just You and I

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Requested By: LinoQuiroz

Warning: Fluff, Cussing




The rain poured down heavily, followed by the ringing sirens from the cops. Murmuring and whispering heard through the forming crowd in the distant. He find himself sighing and pinched his nose bridge in annoyance. It was the other day for him yet again. Another body was found dead in the alley alone. This wasn't his first time to see like this, it was far from it. Being the Chief of police, he saw how the world is truly scary and mysterious. Izuku Midoriya, the highest-ranking officer in the police department. Despite of his lack of quirk, he was known as the strongest officer out there. He can take out any person with or without a quirk, due to his immense strength and training. Many people admired him for his braveness or some of them were not because of his lack of quirk.

Being a police was not his goal after all but his father had been pursue him to be like him, his father was a commander in chief, controlling a militarily of the country to win against the enemies around the world. Speaking of the enemies, just like in the classic comic book, he is also catching his own enemies of his family. The infamous Yakuza organization or the Yaoyorozu family, his father and the leader of the Yakuza was a great nemesis. But that was the other story in the meantime. He was too focused to the next heir of the Yakuza, his own nemesis, Momo Yaoyorozu. 

"Chief!" he jolted at the voice and quickly look to see a good friend of him, a detective from his department, Naomasa Tsukauchi. "I been calling you for a while now, chief. Is everything alright?" he spoke in earnest.

Coughing, he nodded in thanks, "I am fine, sorry for worrying." he sighed before looking at him, "so? any clues?"

"For now, there's a letter..." Tsukauchi paused for a minute, "a specific letter... for you." he breathe out making Izuku blinked his emerald orbs in confusion and slight surprise at the sudden words.

"A letter?" he pointed himself with a chuckle, "for me in this situation? are you kidding me?"

Tsukauchi shook his head in denial, he glance to everyone before whispering to his ear, "it was from Momo Yaoyorozu." Izuku didn't know how or when but his hands move on its own and grabbed the letter quickly. Tsukauchi was startle a bit before looking at him amused.

He cough again, hiding his face. "A-anyways, let me read it... alone." Tsukauchi chuckles but nodding his head before leaving him. As he finally leave, Izuku breath out, putting a serious face. One thing about him for sure was he was taking a too serious about taking down the Yaoyorozu family to please his father.

The two wasn't the best relationship when Izuku didn't developed a quirk, his father became ruthless and harsh (todoroki who?). But he was determined to reconciled his relationship between his father, that's why, he leave the hero association and became the Chief of Police. Maybe catching one of the Yaoyorozu family member, his father would be proud of him, especially it was the next heiress. With that thought, he nodded himself with a determine before opening the letter.

He fainted.

Joke, it wasn't. He let out a big breath before reading silently.

To my lovely chief <3

I heard from the little bird that you are looking for the key source of Kai Chisaki's operation and I know, you already know what is it or... more like who is it. Here's a deal darling, meet me up in the same location where we first encounter. No cops or anyone, just you and I if you want to rescue this poor girl. I want you to arrive at 8:00 in the morning, don't be late.

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