-shawn hunter || im so proud of you.

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small trigger warning: mentions of depression

i loved loving with shawn.

i loved everything about it.

sure, we had to share the apartment with his brother and eric, but i was okay with that.

all three of them looked after me.

they know that i am struggling at the moment. and they are amazing about it.

the days i cant get out of bed, jack makes me pancakes for breakfast, no matter the hour.

when i cant go out and buy clothes or food, like i always do, eric would. and he would always buy me a little treat, like a chocolate bar or a small stuffed bear.

but the person who has helped the most, is shawn.

i know we have been dating for two years, but i still get scared that he'll leave me because of the state i'm in.

i'm constantly lying in bed.

my hair is matted.

i go days or weeks without showering.

and i'm just a lousy girlfriend.

but no matter my doubts, he always reassured me he will never let me go.

he knows i'm trying to get better. they all do. but shawn just makes everything easier.

he does everything for me. little by little.

'y/n, how about today you sit up for a bit and i will brush your hair. i'll get all the knots out and braid it like you taught me to so it doesn't knot too badly again. then you can lay back down again. how does that sound?'

so that day, i sat up. i sat up and got my hair brushed. sure, it took a while, but when it was done, all 3 of the boys were so proud. they even cooked me my favourite dinner. sure, it wasn't perfect but they made it and that's all i cared about.

the hair brushing became a weekly thing. then he would brush it two times a week. and three.

one day he laid down next to me, and said 'if you had the motivation, what would you do right now.'

i think he was expecting me to say something like going shopping, or visiting cory and topanga. but i said 'having a long, hot shower where i can just relax and shave and exfoliate and do all the stuff i used to.'

he gave me a small smile.

he picked me up and walked brung me to the bathroom.

'shawnie, i can barely stand in the shower, let alone do all that stuff.'

i sat down on the ground next to the shower while shawn turned on the tap.

'i know. that's why i'm going to do it for you. you don't have to do anything.'

in that moment, i realised how truly lucky i was. i was dating the man of my dreams. he was the most kindest soul ever. and he was helping me with something a lot of people don't take seriously.

he doesn't care about how i look. he doesn't care that i hadn't shaved in months. he just wanted me to feel better.

so i cried. i cried right there on the spot.

'oh no no no have i done something? shit i shouldn't have assumed you would've been okay with me seeing you nude i'm sorry love.'

'no it's not that i'm just. i'm just grateful for you that's all.'

he looked at me and gave me a kiss, then undressed me and helped me into the shower.

he then undressed himself and came in after me, getting the shower head and bringing it down to rinse out my hair.

he put the shampoo and conditioner in my hair, and rinsed it. making sure to try and not get it in my eyes.

i was beyond suprised when he started asking ne how i shave, so he could do it right.

'babe, just tell me the steps. that's all you have to do and i'll do it for you.'

so he shaved my legs. he shaved my armpits. heck, he even shaved my bikini area and wasn't weird about it.

i taught him how i exfoliated. so he used my special body scrub and glove and did it perfectly.

then, he got me out of the shower, wrapped me in a towel and told me to sit down, that i did amazing and that he'll just be to minutes while he quickly showered.

i just watched him. not creepily. i've seen him naked 100 times before. but in awe. in awe of the boy that once called me icky, turning into a man that would do anything to make his girlfriend feel better.

once he got out, he got dressed and went out to get me a fresh pair of pyjamas.

he got me dressed, and asked where my face masks were.

'b, you really don't have to put a face mask on me the shower was amazing as it was.'

'no i want to. and i'll put one on too and we can be matching!'

i giggled at his excited tone. which made me realise that i hadn't laughed, or even smiled in who knows how long.

his face lit up immediately, realising that he had made me laugh.

he grabbed the face masks and put one on me, and put the other on him.

he made a mess, but he did quite well none the less.

'i know you probably don't want to, and if not that's 100% okay because i'm already so proud of you for doing this much, but do you want to maybe sit out on the couch? i can brush your hair there!'

i don't know what it was, the face he made or the determination to get better, but i said yes.

so we made our way out, and i sat down while shawn turned on the tv. i decided to watch a movie, so shawn made popcorn.

as shawn was combing my hair, i heard sniffles.

'shawn, babe what's wrong?'

'i'm just so proud of you. i'm so so proud. you're getting better y/n. you are.'

with that i turned around and gave him a kiss, and we both proceeded to fall asleep with the movie still playing.

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