- shawn hunter || comfort person

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requested by CheeryRaccoon !!

Season 4 Shawn, fluff, a pinch of angst, y/n getting into an argument with her parents/guardians and going to Shawn for comfort.

my parents never really understood why i always hung out with my friends as much as i did. i mean, i was always with them.

i had my best friend, topanga. she and i practically grew up together. we've always been so close, right up until now, the start of grade 11.

then there was cory, topangas boyfriend. i haven't been friends with cory for too long, but he's a great guy. he's super fun, and a little dorky, and you just cant be around him without laughing.

and then the last person in our little group was shawn. ever since i first met shawn, i've always had a little crush on him, i mean, how couldn't i, he's such a cutie! but not only that, shawn understood me in ways the others didn't. i mean, topanga and cory, we're so supportive of me and always cared, but they didn't understand all my troubles like shawn did.

i've always had a rocky relationship with my parents. i don't really know why, but i just have. there's always arguments going about in my house. either them yelling at me, or yelling at eachother.

topanga and cory didn't understand that though, they both came from picture perfect families that would be on tv, but let's face it. this is real life, not tv.

that's where shawn came in, he always understood where i was coming from. he had family troubles too. his living arrangements were all over the place. he just moved out from our english teachers house, (weird right?) to move back home with his dad (he lives in a small trailer, at a trailer park).

so there i was. i had just walked into the living room after a tutoring session. i was helping cory get his grades up (his mom had asked me, saying she tried to get topanga to help, but whenever they were together, no studying happened, for obvious reasons) as he was behind in a lot of classes.

'where have you been y/n?' my father asked me. he was watching whatever the discovery channel had on tonight.

'i was helping cory study, he's behind in some of his classes, i was helping him catch up.' i walked past him into the kitchen, grabbing myself a glass of water.

'of course. cheryl, our daughter here was spending time with a boy on a school night, and she only just got home.' i nearly choked on my drink when i heard that. a boy? they made it seem like cory was a motorcycle riding, std having 28 year old.

'it was just cory, you know cory!' i reply back to him. that's when my mother came into view

'y/n, don't raise your voice to your father like that, and why are you out so late with a boy, doesn't matter if i know him or not, you shouldn't be out this late in the first place! we did not raise you like this.' they were both looking at me now. great. another argument. as if the one we had this morning wasn't enough.

'it's not too late mom, it's only 8:00. plus, i wasn't hanging out with him for the fun of it, i was helping him with his schoolwork. his mom asked me to help him.'

'no excuses young lady. 8:00 is far too late for a school night, you shouldn't even be out in the first place! i don't care if you were helping him with his homework or not, that is not an excuse for you to come home late. if his mum is so desperately worried about cory, maybe she should worry about what her son is doing with that girlfriend of his. far too young to date. i won't be surprised if by this time next year she's dropped out looking after a 6 month old.'

i had had enough. she was insulting not only me, but my friends.

'that isn't fair. i am 17 years old mom! i am nearly an adult! i should be able to make my own decisions on what i want to do with my free time. i'm not even doing anything bad, i'm helping people! i'm not doing this for me, but for my friend! and don't even get me started on talking about topanga. cory and topanga have been together forever! we are going to be eighteen next year mom. adults. full blown adults. we can move out, and make our own decisions.  so you are not allowed to slut shame my best friend, when you got knocked up at the same age!' i was furious. maybe i had taken it a little too far, but it was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders.

i turned around and bolted out the front door. i heard my parents yelling out to me as i ran down the street. shit. i really just ran out on them. where would i go now?

i didn't really know where i was going, but my feet had a plan.

'shit, y/n? are you okay?' shawn opened the door of his trailer. i must've been a mess. mascara running down my eyes, out of breath, god, i really didn't need shawn to see me like this.


he wrapped his arms around me, and my legs gave up. sure, i was used to these arguments. but i had enough. i wasn't enough for my parents. i wasn't a good child in their eyes. why was i even trying.

he carried me onto the small couch in his trailer, shutting the door with his foot on the way.

'i- i'm so-sorry shawn. i didn't want t-to come here b-but i d-didnt know where e-else to g-go a-and-' i tried to explain to shawn what had happened between sobs, but he shushed me and just continued to hold and rock me.

'y/n, you don't need to explain. it's okay. you're okay. i'm here. you can tell me if you are comfortable later, for now you can just cry if you want to. i'm here.'

i broke down after that, and i must've fallen asleep from the exhaustion, because once i opened my eyes, i was on the couch, covered in a blanket. i looked to my side, and shawn was asleep in the recliner next to me.


'y/n? you're awake. how are you feeling?'

'did i fall asleep?' dumb question y/n, you know the answer.

'yeah, i mean i was rocking you like a little baby so i wasn't exactly surprised.'

that caused me to giggle a bit. trying to imagine bad boy shawn hunter rock me to sleep was something very funny in my eyes.

'what's so funny?'

'i just think it's funny that you rocked me to sleep.'

'well it's good you slept, you must've been exhausted. are you okay?'

shit. last night. i nearly forgot.

'yeah, i just had a major fight with my parents. i ran away, how exciting.'

i felt tears forming in my eyes, until a pair of warm arms surrounded me.

'it's okay y/n, you can sleep here. you can even stay in my bed.'

'with you?'

'i mean, i definitely wouldn't be opposed to the idea'

'shawn shut up'

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