- shawn hunter

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your first date with shawn hunter

- it would be at chubbies, or another restaurant
- he would offer to pay for your food
- he would be a dollar short
- you would sit in a booth across from each-other
- he would steal your chips
- he'd probably accidentally choke on his drink
- you would start pissing yourself with laughter
- 'hey stop laughing at me i could've died'
- 'can you imagine your tombstone saying 'death by coca cola inhalation'
- you'd share a milkshake
- he would teach you how to play pool
- you would absolutely suck at it
- he would laugh at you
- you would start playing darts instead
- he would be really bad at darts
- so bad he nearly threw it through someone's nose
- 'watch where you're going!'
- 'shawn, you know the dart board is that way right?'
- you winning every game of darts
- him being lowkey embarrassed
- but also quite proud of you
- convincing you to try and play pool again
- him coming up behind you and help moving the kew so you hit the ball
- feeling his heart beat faster
- him walking you home
- holding hands the whole way there
- him offering you his jacket, since you were cold
- 'shawnie, thank you but now you'll be cold.'
- 'i don't mind as long as you're warm'
- laying your head on his shoulder as you walked
- talking about how beautiful the stars are
- sharing a sweet kiss before you walked through your door

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