Chapter 31: Chance

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It was getting late, I was about to teleport when I sense someone walking toward me.

"Yo, 5 yen god."

I turn my back and saw Issei together with Kiba. I look dumbfounded at Issei with wide eyes.

"What's with that look dude?"

"Issei... So gender doesn't matter to you huh..."

"Hey! What's with that!"

"Hahaha, Yato san really likes to tease, but I must ask you to please stop that..."

Kiba said awkwardly smiling with a polite response.

"Man, you no fun Yuuchi~ no fun, no fun, maybe tsuba chan will like it though."

Kiba tilted his head confused, he couldn't help but frown because he couldn't get it no matter what, so he asked.

"Yato san, If I may ask, what's with this Yuuchi and what does Tsubaki san have to do with it?"

"Well, I did try san, tan, Kun, and many more but I suddenly realized that Yuuchi is much more perfect, about tsuba chan, not now but someday."

'Well, about your name, is much closer to my last name. That's the reason why I address you that.'

Kiba is still confused but didn't ask me any further.

"So~ Yuuchi and Masochist pervert, what do you want from me? I won't give you guys my five yen okay?"

"Hey, dude, stop calling me that! Can you at least give me a proper and shorter nickname?!"

Issei angrily said, I smirked at him and I thought it was really too long for his nickname.

Well, I will stop calling him like that at least a proper name like Yuuchi.

"Fine~ this will be a proper name and at least I think you will be fine with it. Itts~ Seichii!!!"

I said with a smile, I look at his expression and Issei is...crying?

"Bro, it was just a nickname why are you crying?"

"Dude, you won't understand, every time you call me a masochist pervert in school or in public they look at me with more disgust than in the past, also, since I often talk with the two now, the girls here call me Mr. Masochist..."

I blinked twice, I look at Yuuchi and he nodded helplessly.

"I see, and that is why You and Yuuchi became friends?"

"At most yeah..."

"Hmm...A prince and a perverted masochist...hohoho, quite a fitting!"

Both of them turn pale and started to glare at me, Yuuchi too!!! Woah!!!

"Okay, I'll stop messing with you guys."

Unbeknownst to us, a girl wearing glasses accidentally heard it, we were too distracted in our conversation not to feel her, well, it will bring me some laugh and I won't regret it in the future or so I thought.

"Now, back to business, what do you guys want from me?"

"I just want to ask how's Asia?"

"She's fine and safe! If that's all then you can go to my house in the future! How about you Yuuchi?"

"I was just ordered by the President of guarding Issei san, she said that the fallen angel might attack him again."

"I see... Devil's sure had a hard time huh, I wonder if it's the same to the other race."

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