after the god granted him everything he needed, he reincarnate our mc to another world.
"btw, what kind of world where i would be reincarnate?"
"*chuckle* i'm planni...
So, heeeyyy, I just want to say thank you for reading this shitty fanfic of mine, like I want to say, stop private messaging me okaaauuu???
I mean seriously, if you are angry at this fanfic then create yours, I don't mind if you abandoned this.
And if I remember correctly, I mention that this fanfic is just for fun, and yes, for fun, so I could write anything that it can even go downhill.
I'm not angry at those who private message me, instead I find it interesting really.
So, I will say it again, this fanfic is just for fun, you can read this to waste time, and you can read this but don't use your brain it will only hurt you.
So, yeah, you can waste your time reading this, up to you.
I won't abandon this, and also, I am only publishing a new chapter whenever I want, especially if I am motivated I could publish new chapters three times a week.
But that still depends.
Anyway on another note.
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Yeeeeyy!!! Yep, another fanfic, and in this fanfic, I will take a bit of effort so, I want some answer guysue because there is a romance tag here.
So... Without further ado
Which character do you want to pair with Ecchan?
0. Issei(fr???)(who knows, maybe you want our oc or who becomes ecchan to be part of his harem)(.... Wait, no one did that right?... Hooo....hohohoho)
1. Kiba
2. Girl's love
If it's 2 does it need to be
Or sole female?
3. Og char of mine?
Or may be
None. (which is dangerous if you know who is Ecchan really, and I would prepare if you don't choose this because I already started it.)(like seriously, even if our oc becomes ecchan, the influence of ecchan is much stronger, so if she wants, she can cut the planet of dxd and the story is done in chapter one.)
Anywhoo! That's all, hope to see your choice!Time limit will be at the end of this week.