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Breanna's POV


The sun was slowly rising furthur into the sky as I sat on top of the barn, doing nothing except for watching the other members of the family walking around as they do their various chores. Occasionally, I would hear my name being yelled, all originating from after Dad's shocked and worried face peered out of my window a few minutes after I left the room.

Yes, maybe it was wrong for me to let them keep searching, and yes, maybe I should have just went back into my bedroom while I was just sitting up there, ignoring everyone and everything. But, I don't care. Dad didn't even let me explain what I was doing there at the fight. He sent me to my room without even hearing me out, pulling the 'you don't need to talk to me like that or your going to be in trouble' card, which is arguably one of the worst cards you could pull on a teenager.

I hate to say it, but I can see where he is coming from, but the only thing that I wish had happened differently was the way the truth had come out. I wish that, instead of some random news reporter, I had been able to tell him the truth myself. The only reason I didn't was because I was scared that he was going to react the way that he was going to, immediantley yelling and jumping to conclusions, the same way every person who seen the news report is probably doing this exact second.

What I didn't get to say is that I was helping them. I was new to the whole superhero thing at the time, seeing as I had just escaped Hydra, so all I had was this weird mascarade mask covering my face as I ran around, doing my best to help in every way I could. Clearly, however, I didn't project this well enough, and it was coming back to bite me in the butt.

I don't know what to do, the only person that I can think of who might believe me is Peter, Pietro, and Wanda, but I have no way to contact them. I'm literally on the roof of the barn, which is halfway across the farm from where my bedroom is located on the second floor of our house. On top of that, Dad probably took my phone from the charger that I have beside my bed.


A few more minutes passed, when suddenly, a loud slam interupted the silence. I look up to see Dad stalking off of the porch, walking towards the barn, his eyes looking right at me. It was at that moment that I knew he had found me, and by the way he was walking, I knew I was going to be absolultely screwed once Dad made his way to the top of the roof where I was.

There was no way that I could run, and besides, I was tired of sitting up here. I accepted the fact that he had found me, and now it was just a waiting matter.

Moments later, the top of the ladder appears at the top of the roof, and only seconds after that, I see his head pop up at the top, looking at me with a look that was a mix between care, anger, worry, and even a little bit of fear thrown into the mix.

We look at each other for a few moments before he sits down in front of me, crossing his arms as he watches me. All is quiet for a few moments before Dad opens his mouth. "I didn't give you a chance to talk earlier, to which I do apoligize for. I shouldn't have acted that way, jumping to conclusions before you could explain to me what exactly you was doing. The other Avengers are on their way, so be prepared to say whatever it is that is going to explain what an eight year old was doing on a deadly battlefield. So, before they get here, I'm giving you to tell me what exactly happened. You wanted to talk earlier, so lets talk."


Word Count: 702


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