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•••Breanna's POV•••
"Breanna. Breanna, Honey. I need you to wake up"
I slowly open my eyes to see that Steve flipping Rogers was leaning over my bed with his head like 5 inches from my head.
"Ahhh!!!" I scream and my head shots up and hits him in the head.
"Ow. Breanna. Geez. Even with my super soldier serum, that hurt."
"Sorry, Steve. I didn't mean too. Also, you called me honey" Wait- he called me honey. My face turns bright red. He chuckles.
"Yep. Your dear old father told me too." I sigh.
Dang it!! I thought he meant honey, honey. But NOOO! Of course he wouldn't like me... eh. Oh well. I don't need a man in my life. I'm an InDePeNdAnT yOuNg lAdY!!
I get up and walk downstairs.
"You said you needed me,dad??"
He looks up and chuckles.
"Nice pajamas but yes I did"
(See top for pajamas)
I nod, telling him to continue.
"Fury told me to tell you to show me your suit on you, because we leave tomorrow morning, and there's NO POSSIBLE way I'm letting you leave this house to fight with the Avengers without seeing whether or not I'm going to allow you to even fight with us."
"Ok. Fine" I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom to activate my suit.
•••Wanda's POV•••
"B-Breanna. She's an A-Avenger n-now"
"I know. I was just as surprised"
"You do know what this means, right?"
"What does it mean?"
"We have to fight out little sister in a battle"
••Breanna's POV•••
I walk back out into the living room where my dad is waiting. He walks completely around me, poking me in many different places. I glare at him, to where he couldn't see me of course, so when he turned around he wouldn't be able to see me.
"So, dad am I fit to fight?"
"Yep, I guess so kiddo."
I grin and run up to him and give him a hug.
"Thank you, daddy!! Thank you so much!"
"Ouch, Breanna. Honey. Your cracking my ribs. Your a lot stronger than you were the last time you hugged me... which was before you blacked out yesterday."
Oh yeah. I forgot about that.
"I'm not sure. Usually when I black out, I gain another power or two- holy cow!! I have super strength!!"
Dads face pales.
"More powers??"
"Yeah... about once a week or once every two weeks, I get a new power. Sorry I didn't tell you Dad."
"It's ok. I understand, I guess, but now let's go chop some wood!!"
I groan and walk out where Stark and Steve were in a very heated argument. We walk over,just as Steve rips a piece of wood with his bare hands. I grin, impressed by his strength. Then, I get an idea. As I think, dad gets called away by mom, something about her needing him, I didn't really listen. I walk over to Starks wood pile and pick up a piece.
"Barton. You don't have an axe. So,why are you picking up my wood?? Heck. Why are you even out here??"
I look him in the eyes and rip the piece of wood into two pieces. Then, I ripped it again, making it into four pieces.
"Woah. Capsicle, I think her strength rivals yours"
"Nope, Stark. It doesn't. Their exactly the same." I say and look at Steve and grin. He grins right back at me. I look at Stark to see that his hair had turned back to brown. I look at Steve and grin again, and he automatically understands what I'm about to do. I look back at Starks hair and concentrate. His hair changes to blue again.
"Hey Stark. Nice hair."
"Huh??" He says, pulling out a mirror and looking. His face turns red.
"You little sh-"
"-Just because I had a black-out doesn't mean that I was finished with my prank, Stark"
I grin and rip another piece of wood before walking away.
Word Count-681

A/N- WOOOO!!!!! 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!! YEET YEET SKEET SKEET!! Alright, we'll see y'all next time!! Always stay the queens and kings y'all are on the inside!! Bye Yall!!

Final Word Count-717

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