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••• Breanna's POV•••

Thor was so excited to give me my hammer that he forgot about anyone else. He saw me and he squealed like a little girl, dropping both hammers onto the ground, barely missing Starks feet. He wraps me in a large hug and then after setting me down, presented me with the hammer. I grinned as I picked it up.
  "Hey Stark"

He hums.

"Hold this please"

I hand him the hammer and it automatically falls to the ground. He glares at me as I pick it up, grinning at him.  

"Ya know, Breanna?!?! Your a real shi-"

"STEVE DOESN'T LIKE THAT TYPE OF LANGUAGE!" I yell, probably loud enough for people on Jupiter to hear me.

Everyone laughs, except Steve, who groans and puts his head in his hands.

"It was one time!"
He mumbles under his breath.

After everything had calmed down, and everyone was doing their own thing, I was able to have some quiet-ness. I was thinking about what Peter said about how I acted like Wanda and Pietro and had similar powers to them both, even looking like them a little. I get up and go to Stark.

I groan.


"I need a favor"

"And what's that?!?!"

"I want you to do a blood test. I wanna know everything that there is to know about me, everything there is to know about Breanna Ann M. Barton"

He nods and I sit down.
He pulls out a needle and draws some blood.

"FRIDAY, run a full DNA test on this blood"

"Sure thing, boss!"

He turns to me.

"I've finished making your AI. All she needs is a name and your voice and you'll be good."

"Can we do that now?"

"Yeah, and by the time we're done with it, FRIDAY should be finished."

I nod and he pulls out my AI.

"Say your name"

"Breanna Barton"

The AI stores it in its system.

"What's my name, Miss Barton?"

I think for a minute.

"I'm gonna call you Eleven"

Tony nods and then installs it into my nest and my room.

"Boss, the DNA test on Miss Barton is finished."

"Show results"

A whole lot of information comes up on the screen. Tony reads through it quickly, but then suddenly comes to a stop.



"It says here, that you were taken by Hydra. Why didn't you tell anyone"

I sigh.

"Because. I didn't wanna be a burden...."

"Breanna, you'd never be a burden"

He turns back to the screen, continuing to read along before he stops again.

"Holy Crap, Breanna!"

"What?!? What is it??"

"You know how you thought you didn't have siblings?"

I nod.

"Well, you actually have two of them, older siblings to be exact. They are older by one year!"

"Wait-so I'm not alone in this world??"

"Breanna! You was never alone!"

"Wait-who are they?? Are they even still alive??"

I had so many questions.

"Yes, they are still alive."

"Well, then, what are you waiting for, who are they?"

"Who are who?"

I turn around and it's Dad"

"Dad! You'll never believe it! I have siblings!"

"Well, of course you do. You have Lila and Cooper"

"No, besides them! I have two older siblings!"

"Wait? Really? Who are they then?"

Stark looks irritated.

"I'm trying to get to that"

"Well then stop being grumpy!"
Dad and I say at the same time.

Stark glares.

"Your siblings are....."

He pauses for dramatic effect.


I growl and his eyes widen.

"Your siblings are Wanda and Pietro Maximoff! Your last names Maximoff!"

I narrow my eyes.

"Your lying"

"Actually, no he's not."

I whirl around and Pietro and Wandas there, casually standing against the wall.

"What do you mean?"

"You are our little sister. Your full name is Breanna Ann Maximoff, well I guess Breanna Ann Maximoff Barton now, but that's not that important."

I look at them and read all 3 of their minds. They weren't lying. 

"And you two knew the whole time??"
I ask carefully.

They nod slowly.

And with that, I burst into tears and run out of the lab, going to my room and locking the door, so no one could get in.

A/N- Sorry it's been so long! Also, the last time I updated, I only had 1K readers, and now, there's 1.7K?? Wow!! Also, sorry for the crazy chapter, I just thought it was time for Miss Breanna Ann M. Barton to find out that Wanda and Pietro were her siblings and the M stood for Maximoff!! Also, I still plan on doing a Christmas and New Years Eve special thing, just not yet, because I don't have inspiration. Anyway, with the new character thing. So far, I only have one person who wants their own character in my story. I need more people before I can do the second one. And, to that one person. I'll DM you and then I'll need the characters information! Bye Y'all!!!!  

Final Word Count-835.

(PS- it was also 11 PM and I have school tomorrow)

Final, Final Word Count-851

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