I let him go and he fires up his repulsers and gives me a look of disbelief. I run ahead of everyone else until I get to Rhodney. I smirk.

"Hi James, wonderful weather we're having here, isn't it?"

He rolls his eyes and starts to hit me with his War Machine suit but I throw up my hand and lift him in the air with my telekinesis. At about 50 feet, I let him go. He doesn't expect it, so he crashes to the ground.

"You little mutant!"
He yells at me and I can feel everyone on the battlefield tense up. I just look at him and smile, lifting myself up in the air. My eyes turn blue and with one hand still supporting me, I flick my wrist in his direction and vines slowly wrap their way around him, enclosing him in a cocoon like trap. He pounds on the trap, and about breaks through, but I flick my wrist again and rocks come flying and father around the vines and more vines wrap themselves around the rocks. I leave the smallest hole, however, so he can breathe before running off to tackle someone else. I create another mind link with my teammates.

"Anyone need help?"

After a few minutes, I hear Bucky grunt.

"I could use some over here Royal"

"Alright. I'm on my way"

I speed over to him and I can tell he looks shocked.

"How'd you get here so fast?"

"Superspeed, now what do you need?"

He points at Black Panther, also known as T'Challa. I nod.

"Get ready,Buck"

He looks at me and just shrugs before getting in a fighting position. I hide behind a support beam and watch as T'Challa approaches Bucky. I quickly tell him what to do and he nods, just enough for me to see.
T'Challa reaches Bucky and attacks. I watch as Bucky starts doing my plan,and runs in my direction as I told him to. Bucky starts to run my way,and I watch as  T'Challa follows him.

"Come back here, coward"
He says to Bucky.

Bucky looks at him.

"I didn't kill your father"

I raise my eyebrow. Of course Bucky didn't kill T'Challas father. Bucky was in New York at the time.

"Then why are you running?"

He says to Bucky and Bucky stops,giving him a look that is clarifying T'Challa as an idiot, because who wouldn't run from a guy in a car costume with claws that could easily rip your face off and turn you inside out?

Bucky smiles and T'Challa narrow his eyes.

"Because of her"

I run out of my spot and around T'Challa,at the same time, wrapping thick,bamboo like vines to wrap him up. He swats them away, like a true cat, so I make more come. They surround him until only his head is showing. I stop and in a similar matter that I done to Rhodney, I do to him, piling rocks and then thicker vines around him. I stop and admire my handy work before turning back to Bucky.

"You know. I was wrong,Royal. You are terrifying."

I smile at him and pat his shoulder.
"That's the least of my abilities,Buck."

He looks at me with a mixture of fear and awe in his eyes and I laugh. We start to walk away when I hear Cap talking in the earpiece.

"Royal! Buck! Meet me at the nearest plain! I just dropped an airplane on that spidey person from Queens. We're leaving now. That rest of the team is already gone!"

We nod and I look at him.

"Your not afraid of fast speeds are you?"

He shakes his head.

"No. Why?"

I smirk and pick him up bridal-style"

He looks at me in shock.


"Super-Strength, dear Bucky. Super-Strength"

I run off to the nearest plane,which was on the other side of the field. I see Peter struggling under the plane, Rhodney still trying to get out,Tony was no where in sight, Nat had disappeared, I assumed T'Challa was still in his binds. I slowed down some so I wouldn't run past Cap. I sit Bucky down and we start walking in sync with Cap.

I hear footsteps in front of us and behind us. I turn around to see T'Challa  following us. I turn back around and there's Nat, holding up her arm.

I step forward.

"Aunt Nat, why?"

She looks at me before winking. I immediately understand. Right before she goes to fire, she moves her arm and hits T'Challa. He drops immediately. Nat falls in step with us and we keep walking. I hear someone struggling to breathe and I look to the side to see Tony laying on the ground with Caps shield near him. I walk over to him and look at him to see the problem and I'm about to walk away again when I see that his arc reactor is busted.

I lay a hand on it and mend it. Immediately, his breathing comes easier. I grab Caps shield before Tony wakes up and run onto the plane where they were waiting. I hand the shield to Steve.

"Here you go,Steve. I believe this
belongs to you"

He takes it.

"Thank you,Royal"

I nod and Bucky looks at me.

"So who is behind the mask"

I give him a look and shake my head before pulling my mask off. I walk up to him and shake his hand.

"Breanna Ann Maximoff-Barton at your service"


Word Count~936


Hope you enjoyed!



Final Word Count~943


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