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•••Breanna's POV•••
All the Avengers joined us out on the battlefield. I close my eyes and breathe in the air hitting my masked face. My dad had insisted that my suit have a mask even though I didn't really want one. But, apparently, the father knows best... that and if I didn't have one he wouldn't let me fight. So, of course I ended up having a mask. Now, back to the point.
Cap walks up to me and whispers in my ear
"Your darn dramatic, you know that right.."
I laugh
"That's right, Cap. But only when the time comes for me too!!"
It's at that exact moment when Ultron decided to make his appearance and give his speech about why his cause is much better than ours and why the Avengers should go extinct. I sigh and look over at Wanda.
"This is boring. Can we just get to the action?"
"I know right!! I'm about to fall asleep.."
I giggle and my dad looks at me with his eyebrow raised, but at that moment, Ultron decides to attack. I pull out my bow and shoot the ground at his feet and he just looks at me, so I use my tekneisis to make him fly. He doesn't like that very much. He starts fighting back, and somehow, I get separated from all the other Avengers. I look over to see Wanda fighting some surprise bots. She looked very confident.
"Your dad gives awesome pep talks"
"Yeah... I know"
I turn back to fighting Ultron. I take out a throwing knife and throw it at him. He dodges it. I throw another one and it ledges itself in his arm. He frowns and looks at me. Then, I feel many more presences join me in the battle and I turn around to see all the Avengers standing behind me, except for my dad and Pietro. I frown but quickly turn around.
"Ultron... face it your gonna loose. You have tried many times so far to end us all, and have failed. Yes, I may be new to the team, but I can darn well assure you that these people are my family. You may have taken Aunt Nat, but right at this moment, my dad is getting her. Face it, robot. You've lost. You tried to kill hundreds of citizens with a train, but Wanda, Pietro, and I stopped you. You tried to kill the Avengers... we stopped you... you tried to make world peace... instead your causing destruction. Face it, Ultron. Your gonna loose, because as long as we are alive, the Avengers will continue to save the world. Because we are peace,
not War"
"Wow, Royal! That was an amazing speech!" Tony says from behind me.
"I know right!" Wanda says. I turn back around.
"See. As long as we have each other, then we will succeed, so Ultron. I'd just stop trying"
He looks at me and grins an evil grin.
And with that, he made what little bots were left attack us.
I went after the bots closest to me, since Ultron managed to disappear again. Finally I spot him and I see someone trying to choke him. It was Cap. I sigh and do a face palm.
"Cap. Don't mean to question you... but are you seriously trying to choke a fricking ROBOT??" I say into my com.
"Ummm.. maybe..."
"Gosh. Your so dumb..."
The battle continues until finally Vision decides to make his grand entrance. *note the sarcasm*
He goes one on one with Ultron until finally Vision uses the Mind Stone to cut Ultron in half. I have to admit... it looked cool. Cap called up all in front of a building. We all met over there and I look around. No sign of Pietro or dad. Yet, Aunt Nat was right over there having a check up by Bruce, who was no longer Hulk. I frown and look around, finally spotting my father.
"DAD!!!" I yell and running up to him-not using my super speed. He looks at me.
"BREANNA! Are you okay?"
I nod.
"Other than some bruises and a black eye from falling while fighting a bot. Oh, and my mask ripped. It fell off back there somewhere, so I just didn't bother."
Dad laughs. 
"Of course you'd be the one to get injured by FALLING, not by fighting killing robots..."
And then he wraps me in a hug. Everything was awesome. The battle was over. It was all okay again. We continued hugging and in those moments, I felt the happiest I had in a long time....

And that's when the gunshots cut through the silence.

Word Count-785

A/N- I know.. I'm horrible for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger. I was getting really tired and I have school tomorrow. And, I felt like this chapter was getting all mumble jumbled. But, I promise. The story will continue either tomorrow or Tuesday. Until then, stay the queens and kings y'all are on the inside!!! BYEE!!!


Final Word Count-847

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