Chapter Twelve

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        The next morning, Carolyn had been curled up on a settee in the library beside a window, a book propped in her lap when the first suitor came. Her mother rushed into the library grabbed her off the settee to yank her into the receiving room, and thrice checked her cosmetics and dress. 

        "You best be wary of your tongue when you speak to these gentleman. They care not for your thoughts and opinions. Just nod and smile pretty. That should be enough to get you a good match." Her tone was imperious and stung Carolyn. 

        She wasn't sure why she'd been shocked. Her mother always spoke down to her and reminded her constantly that she would never have a husband who would let her spend hours reading and writing, but to instead embroider his braces and to plan events and run the household. She was reminded this everytime she was to be in front of potential husbands. 

        Little did her mother know, none of these men were potential prospects for her. The few men who had managed to break her cold shell a bit brought nothing but friendly feelings within her. They were good and honorable men, but she didn't feel drawn to them. If she were lucky she would see one of those men today, saving her from an abysmal headache caused by the old and rotting men who infiltrated her dance card the night prior.

        To her great surprise it was Duke Draven, a gentleman she danced with the night before. She had remembered him. He'd been kind and made it quite clear he wasn't interested in wooing her, but helping her. He hadn't explained but she supposed she would learn sooner rather than later. He bowed and grinned roguishly at her. 

        "Marchioness Reeyhath, thank you for seeing me today." 

        She dipped her head slightly, standing. Her mother was watching them like a hawke. "I am surprised to see you." 

        A glint sparked in his dark eyes, unruly brown wavy hair tied back in a sloppy topknot. Her mother may not care for his devil-may-care approach but she would love his title. "Care to join me for a stroll? The weather is nice today." 

        She read his hidden meaning. They could speak more privately in a more public area. "Of course." 

        With hasty preparation, she was properly outfitted for her stroll and they walked slowly as they drew farther and farther away from the house. "Let me say one thing, Duke Draven, I had a nice chat with you last night, however your vague words have put me on edge and I will not be threatened into an arrangement." 

        Draven laughed, and she caught sight of a scar running through his left brow. "Sorry to have frightened you, lady. I mean you no threat. I came to tell you that I saw you the a week ago in the garden with one of the Listworth men, then again in the library."

        Her stomach dropped and she looked around, no one around to hear his words that could destroy her. "What do you mean to do with this information?" 

        He shook his head. "Nothing as crass as you're imagining. You care for the boy, yes?" 

        It grated on her nerves that he felt the need to batter John's masculinity when he wasn't here to defend himself. "I do, and to be frank you are no older than he." 

        Draven must've found her quite amusing because he chuckled again. "No need for dramatics. He is of no threat to me. I have come to proposition you." 

        Carolyn promptly kept her mouth shut, seething at what he could possibly suggest. 

        He cleared his throat and for the first time, looked uncomfortable. "I, myself, have an amour. She is quite dear to me but she is a lady's maid. You can see that if our affections were to get out things could end unpleasantly for her." 

        Carolyn immediately regretted being so harsh with him. He sounded so like the hero's in her romance novels. "What can I do to help?" She asked. 

        "I had thought if people thought we were an item no one would turn an eye to you and the Listworth son or suspect my love." 

        She cringed. She would hate for John to get the wrong idea. While Draven was handsome he was much too big for her and arrogant and his face was just missing something. It wasn't unique, he could've been any rogue from the ton. "What would I have to do?" She asked. 

        "Not much, the ton love to speculate. A dance or two at events, talking in the park. Briefly, I wouldn't want to anger your viscount." 

        Carolyn didn't correct him. "Does your maid know of this arrangement." 

        His cheeks reddened a bit. "It was actually her suggestion."

        Carolyn considered the pros and the cons. And really she could only think of one con. John. 

        Would he understand? Or would his insecurities get between them once more? He had been possessive in the most delicious of ways the night before but it was such a thin line. Would this send him over the edge of charmingly possessive to controlling? He hadn't stopped her from dancing with others last night and he had told her he wasn't worried about her affection straying. 

        So with a deep breath she nodded. "I will agree to this." 

        Draven smiled and dipped his head. "Then I bid you farewell, Lady. I have a woman to tend to." 

        She rolled her eyes and her galloped when she thought of the plan. Her secret excursions may be able to take place during the day now. She had an excuse. Her mother would love it if she thought she was out with the duke, but really she would be seeing her german prince right under her nose. 

        She thought of his warm arms, of the way he held her in the library, the kiss he pressed her cheek, his mouth brushing against her neck. It had sent her up in flames and just merely thinking about it made her toes curl. 

        Hours, she had mere hours before she would see him again. 

        The thought tugged a smile onto her lips and she daydreamed all throughout the noon, not hearing a single word of any man that stepped through the doors.

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