Chapter Twenty Two

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        John knew something wasn’t right the moment he saw the look on Carolyn’s face. She had looked around, eyes unseeing, until she came within twenty feet of his front steps. He didn't even want to know how she found herself so far from her own house without being caught. She was distressed, and he didn’t know how to comfort her. 

        When she had finally seemed to register him, she broke into a run and jumped into his arms, her nightgown had been thin, giving him a much clearer idea of what lay beneath, leaving little to the imagination. 

        Unlike their kiss in the garden, which had been unhurried and passionate, she brought her mouth to his hard. It was hungry and desperate, filled with an overwhelming sense of desperation. The kiss stirred his blood and his hands came up to support her weight with his hands under her bum, the soft flesh pressing into his palms. Her hands raked through his hair and tickled his scalp with her manicured nails, her hips pressed forward, her breasts rested heavily against his chest and he could feel his groin stir and twitch. 

        John pulled away and she gently pulled his bottom lip between her teeth, drawing a long groan from his chest. “Carolyn, are you sure about this?” Because with the way her body rocked into his, he knew this night would only end one way. 

        She nodded, out of breath, her breasts heaving against him. “I need you,” she whispered. 

        Those three words broke whatever restraint he had kept upon himself. Her fingers dove into his hair and she brought his mouth back to hers, his lips worked hers and he stumbled up the stairs to his room and practically fell onto his bed, laying her as gently as he could on his duvet. 

        His hips fit snugly between her soft thighs and he let his hands explore her body over her thin nightrail. All those nights spent with her when he had craved to feel more, see more. He remembered touching her lush thighs, her skin chill from the night air. 

        Beneath his hands her skin was warm and he let himself wander beneath her nightgown, his hands skimming over the curve of her hips, up the dip in her waist and her ribcage, feeling her heart beat rapidly beneath his palms. One hand traveled to her panties and he slowly slid them down her thighs and all the way off, his lips finding new territory of her neck and throat to explore, tasting her sweet skin. 

        The sounds that escaped her delicate throat aroused him and her breasts heaved mere inches from his lips and with a look up he saw the desire in her eyes as he lowered his mouth to one breast, laving the delicate nub with his tongue.

        Slowly and deliberately he lifted the thin material from her body, his palms skimming her skin, leaving her bare beneath him. John lifted himself to look down on her body and devoured the sight of her gentle curves and soft skin. 

        Her hands hesitantly came up to lift his shirt and her fingers shook as she attempted to untie the knot on his sleeping britches. Lovingly, he caught her hands and smiled at her soothingly and untied his bottoms and slipped them off. A becoming blush stained her cheeks as her amber eyes scanned from the base of his throat, down to his groin. 

        Her attention had his body reacting and he himself pinken at the growing evidence of his attraction to her. 

        She smiled up at him and she slid her delicate fingers through the hair on his chest and she leaned up to take his lips again. John pressed on top of her, his tongue worked its way into her mouth and he fought and danced with her tongue, dragging the tip over the roof of her mouth and savored her delicious moan. He filled his hands with the lush weight of her breasts and her thighs clamped around his waist, back arched passionately.

        "John," she whispered against his lips, hands deep in his hair. 

        He pressed into her harder, squeezed her breasts in his palms and devoured her soft mewls of pleasure as he murmured, "Angel."

        Despite their lack of experience, their hips found a steady rhythm, bringing him to the brink before he even had a chance to sink himself into her warmth and he could tell she was in a similar state. He tucked his face into the crook of her neck and kissed her collarbone and jaw as his hands left her plump breasts to hold her thighs apart. 

        Carolyn's breathing quickened beneath him as he spread her before him and he groaned at the slick heat at her core awaiting for him. Her hands clutched at his biceps and he rubbed himself against her center and she hissed.

        His muscles quivered with restraint as he looked up into her trusting and gentle face. "It's going to hurt a little, Care. Try to relax and I'll be as gentle as I can." He assured her and stroked comforting hands over her thighs. 

        She nodded and kissed him as John guided himself into her warmth. Both emitted long gasps of pleasure and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and brought him tighter into her skin. He dropped his face against her shoulder as his back quivered with unspent desire, pressure building in his spine at the mere feel of her walls enveloping him. 

        John slowly continued until he bottomed out and he brought his forearms beside her ribs and held himself up as she whimpered. "Are you okay, love?" He panted, his breath struggling to come through his lungs. 

        She nodded again, her face rubbed against his stubble and she squeezed him. "It's a pressure with a slight uncomfortable feel, but it doesn't hurt."

        He thanked the lord she wasn't in excruciating pain. 

        When she started to wiggle beneath him, John had gotten control of himself and started to pick up an easy, leisurely rhythm. Quickly, they were both on the bring once again, his pelvis bumping against hers eliciting cries of pleasure from her throat. 

        Pressure built at the base of his spine and when she cried his name, they both fell over the edge, fireworks went off behind his closed lids and his body shuddered on top of hers. She shook beneath him and slowly came down and stroked her hands down his back as his full weight pressed her into the bed. 

        "Sorry," he mumbled, unable to bring himself back onto his unsteady arms. 

        Carolyn’s soft cheek brushed against his and she seemed to nestle under him, her breath a gentle puff against his neck. With as much strength as he could muster, he pulled the blankets over them, his arms reaching under her to hold him like the precious gem she was to him. 

        "You're warm." She whispered and he felt her press the palms of her hands flat against his back. "That wasn't what I expected." 

        He made a low questioning noise in her neck, and breathed in the vanilla scent of her skin. 

        She giggled and rubbed her feet over the length of his legs. "In a good way. The way people talk about making love makes it seem like a chore." 

        "Not everyone makes love, Care." He pulled himself up to look down at her and stroked her hair back gently. "Most couples don't make love. They participate in bedsport for heirs. And sometimes even for release." Her eyes widened and he regretted letting her into the reality of life. But he knew she valued honesty. "You don't have to worry about that, love. Love will always be the source of our bedsport." 

        Slowly, she nodded and brought him down for a long kiss. Her eyes drooped and he smiled indulgently. John rolled over onto his back and pulled her half on top of him and cradled her to his chest. 

        "Sleep, love," He whispered as she attempted to get up. The words worked like magic and before his eyes his angel tucked her head beneath his chin, her cheek on his chest and fell fast asleep. 

        As he held her he found his body relaxed and his own heartbeat slowed. He loved her and he would do everything in his power to stop her betrothal from coming to pass. 

        Because that emotion he dismissed not long ago, that he hadn't dared look too closely at since the night in the garden, was love. 

        He loved her.

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