Chapter Twenty Five

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        The train ride mesmerized Carolyn. Despite her stint in American, she had never gotten a chance to venture outside of London. Once she had docked, she had been whisked away to her father's manor in the city. A month before the season had started consisted of trips to the modiste for a new wardrobe, etiquette lessons and light history on all the suitable and influential families. 

        Watching the scenery change enchanted her. Scotland was rolling green grass and crystal blue waters. It was a painting come to life around her and she was in love. This was a land of make believe in the real world. She regretted having never been able to come before then. She hoped her and John would be able to stay longer than just one day because she longed to explore.

        The hours flew by and towards the end she had dozed off on John's very comfortable shoulder and his hand rested on her knee.

        When the train pulled into the station he lightly nudged her, awakening her from a light sleep. She rubbed her scratchy eyes and took his offered hand. Her luggage back in his other. She realized she hadn't rested well since they were caught in the garden. When she ran to his manor they had been too busy learning pleasures of the flesh to properly get a full night's rest.

        She wasn't sure of when she would get to rest. Now that they were in Scotland she didn't know what their plans were. She hadn't thought that far. Carolyn yawned again as she slowly walked beside him. 

        The train station was devoid of officers and no one seemed to be the wiser that she had runway and was now being searched for. John walked calmly beside her, his fingers threaded around hers and holding her close as he navigated the station. 

        "What's the next step?" She asked, hiding a yawn. 

        He smiled sympathetically. "You will rest and ready yourself while I do the rest."

        "I don't want to be useless," she said and squeezed his hand. 

        John stopped on the platform and cupped her cheek lovingly. "You will never be useless. You deserve some rest, engelchen." He tucked her hair behind her ear and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

        She felt herself relax and smiled. They left in search of a hackney that took them to a local inn. It was cozy and the owner was a plump woman with kind eyes. She smiled at them indulgently, fed them warm soup and stale bread that Carolyn devoured like she'd never eaten food in her life. 

        When they finished their meal it was midday and she was exhausted. She hadn't slept but a few minutes at a time since she ran away. John helped her into a night dress and she styled her hair into a loose braid for sleep as he tucked her in under the blanket. 

        "I will be back in a few hours. I need to find a priest to marry us." He smoothed a couple flyaway hairs from her face before leaving her in the dark bedroom.

        She had slept until the next morning, she hadn't even felt John slide into bed beside her. She smiled when she woke to see him still fast asleep beside her and took the chance to gaze at him while time seemed to be frozen. His arm had sought her in the throes of sleep and held her close to him as if afraid she would disappear. His hair had grown in their time apart, tousled from his sleep, pillow soft lips parted, and a slight stubble lined his cheek. Chest hair peeked from his night shirt and she reached to slide her hands under his shirt, up his torso and let the dusting of hair tickle between her fingers.

        If she hadn't been in love with him prior, she would have in that moment. In the torrid novels she sneaked from her aunts sash the male was always big and strong, often times a jerk, but she liked the ease that came with him. She liked his painter hands and his smaller stancher. The way he was felt perfect for her, like she was his equal in every way. The most she could have hoped for with a match made by her mother was for her betrothed to at least stay faithful and offer her a sliver of kindness. Now she had everything and more. 

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