Chapter Twenty Three

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        It was blissful peace to be in his arms. John's warmth radiated into her skin, banishing the cold that usually plagued her. Her muscles were relaxed and loose, like a lion laying in the sun. He stroked her hair gently as she hugged his torso, her body pressed tight against his. Skin to skin. 

        Her mother had warned her of the marriage bed. Of the deep pain and the humiliation she should feel, that her only thought should be of her future children. 

        However, sharing a bed with John had been nothing like that. Even when he had whispered for her to open her eyes she hadn't felt embarrassed as he brought her body pleasure while holding her gaze in his. His kisses had been tender yet passionate and his hands had been gentle. There had been no discomfort. 

        She felt nothing but love as she laid in his embrace, his hand continued it's long stroke down her hair and back again and again. His leg hair tickled her skin and only served to comfort her, make her feel one with him. 

                John leaned in to kiss Carolyn, his lips worked hers softly and when he finally pulled away, she smiled and brushed her nose along the length of his. 

        "What will happen now?" He asked, his breath brushed along her bare shoulder. 

        She rested her cheek on his bicep and slid her hand through the light dusting of dark hair on his chest. "I'll be yours and you'll be mine." 

        He smiled gently and caressed his knuckles against her cheek. "I was yours before this and you know it." 

        Carolyn bit her lip and smoothed his chest hair down. "This somehow feels permanent." 

        John held her tighter. "What will you do when you go home?" 

        "Must I leave? Couldn't I just stay here with you forever?" 

        He gave her a knowing look and she snuggled closer letting the conversation fade.  She had no desire to think of what came next. She couldn't let her mother marry her off to some old man! That couldn't be her fate.  She didn't want to marry any man, not if they weren't John. 

        But it felt hopeless. For who was she? She had a title, but that gave her no freedom. John pulled her tighter against him and rested his cheek against her head, his hands caressing up and down her bare skin. Her chest tightened and tears sprang to her eyes at the tenderness in his touch. 

        "Perhaps we could go to scotland?" 

        He chuckled and his fingers found a path along her spine. "Elopement?" He asked. She pinched his arm and he squeezed her gently. "My love, these are all very rash decisions." 

        She blew out a breath and rubbed her face against his chest. "They seem like our only options," she said solemnly. 

        "We will figure something out, Carolyn." He splayed his fingers across her back, his other hand stroked along her cheek and slipped into her hair and pressed a kiss against her hairline. 

        She wasn't sure what that something was and she was a plan person. She felt secure when she had a plan in place and knew the outcome. The things unknown gave her great anxiety. Carolyn could only picture the worst. 

        John noticed the trouble on her face and brushed his lips against hers, causing pleasure tingles to crawl over her skin, and heat warmed her body. His hand slid over her thigh, squeezing the soft flesh, and pulled her hips against his. 

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