3. Watching a movie

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Mystraid for a change

"I really do not understand how you find this entertaining Gregory," Mycroft spoke. It was Valentine's Day and both Mycroft and Greg couldn't get a date and so decided to spend it together.

The pair had only met a few times, always through Sherlock but two days prior both Mycroft and Greg had been visiting Sherlock (who unbeknownst to them was on a trip away) for there separate reasons and apon realising he wasn't home started talking. They got to the subjects of the upcoming day and both agreed it was pointless, a  marketing propaganda.

The conversation lasted a while and as Mycroft was out of office for the day and Greg's children where with there mother the pair made plans to meet at greg's place to drink and judge people. A normal off day for anyone who lives in London.

It was now nine a clock on valentines evening and the pair where watching 'Goggle box' with Mycroft deducing everything about each person, both slightly tipsy.

"Well Mycroft I'm sorry my average tv show is boring to you, what elce would you like to do?"

Greg's response, tho expected sparked somthing in Mycroft and be mumbled somthing before turning to look at the tv.
"What was that?"
"Mycroft herd you, you do relise I'm not dumb right? Compared to you and sherlock maby but I know I herd something."

"Fine!" Mycroft stated. He stood up, walked over to Greg, leans down and kissed his cheek. "That's what I suggested?"

Greg just sat there, eyes fixed on Mycroft completely speechless. This man who thought of love as a weakness just kissed him, on the cheek but that wasent the point.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll go." Mycroft went back to his original chair to get his jacket but found somthing stoping him.

Greg had a grip on Mycroft's wrist and used this to pull them closer together.
"Don't go," Greg said in a soft voice as he put his arms around the other male.
A quiet "I won't," was said and the pair stood holding each other in a tight grip.

Maybe valentines wasn't do bad after all

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