5. Kissing

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"HURRY JOHN," Sherlock yelled. We where chasing a criminal round London but Sherlock with his long ass limbs was way ahead of me. He turned a corner out of sight and I heard a loud 'thump', a yell and somone running. Fearing somthing had hapend to Sherlock I picked up my pace, running towards towards the noise.

I turned the corner just to see Sherlock slumped against the building wall, a knife sticking out his thigh. I couldn't figer out what to do first so in a panic I got my phone out handed it to a somehow still awake Sherlock and looked to see if I could help in any way. Instead of calling an ambulance like any other person, Sherlock decided to be him and called Greg.

He told him the killer had got away and that me and him where a bit stuck but forgot to mention the knife. He took the phone away from his ear as if he was going to hang up but I decided to intervene as Sherlock really needed medical treatment.
"GREG, we're at **************** please send an abulance Sherlocks hurt and to much of a stubborn basted to ask for help." But without a reply he hung up.

"That was nice of him," Sherlock said obviously in a grate deal if pain.

"I'm sure he'll send help. They don't hate you that much." I moved so I was next to Sherlock and he could lean himself against me. "You know Greg likes you right?"

"He wouldent have hung around this long if he didn't," Sherlock replied

"That's not what I mean," I intervened "he cares for you a lot. He doesn't just put up with you cos you're helpful like the rest do. He comes when you ask where you ask without asking why. He wouldent just leve you out here. Even if I haven't asked for the abulance he would have warned mycroft that you where in danger at the very least."

"He and mycroft are strangely close, do you know why?"

"Why would I know?"

"You're good with the whole emotions and feelings thing. I don't even understand my own feelings never mind other peoples."

"If you want I could try help you understand you're emotions? Only if you want of course, but you know some."

"Such as?" Sherlock interrupted.

"Well you've told me you like me and you are comfortable around Greg. And you know somewhere in you're head, that you love you're family. I know you don't like showing it, but I can see it. You would protect you're brother at all costs and you're verry obviously scared of you're parents being disappointed in you."

"How do you know that?" He asked with a quiet voice. He shifted uncomfortably but gestured for me to answer.

"Well you and Mycroft constantly threaten each other with telling on each other to you're mother. It's a common thing for kids, to do but not so much adults." I saw that Sherlock was away to make a comment and to be honest I may have phrased that wrong but I want to help him understand.

He's so good with everything exept emotions (and astronomy) and it could help him become an even beter detective it he understood that. "It's lovely to see how much you care for you're parents and what they think of you, that's not what I was geting at. I was just telling you how I figured it out."

"How did you know about Mycroft?"

"You are always looking out for each other. Outside you can't see it but Mycroft has kidnapped me to make shure you where safe. And going back to you're curiosity about you're brother and Greg it shows you think about him and what could happen to him."

"I love you."

"What?" I asked. It was so abrupt and such a strange thing to hear in the detectives voice.

"I love you, you with all you're understanding of emotion and how accepting you are of all my strange personality trates and absolutely everything elce." He finished speaking and me, who is verry lost for words did the most rational thing my brain could think of.

I moved infront of him being careful of the knife, gently grabbed his perfect jawline and kissed him. It was amazing, he turned his head slightly and put his hand up to my shoulder, seemingly forgetting the knife still sticking out of his leg.

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