Chapter 8

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Several weeks had followed since the incident on the bridge and Kylo Ren was at a loss on what to do. In the little time he had between missions, the knight had tried to approach Hux for a multitude of reasons but not once was he granted a chance to speak. It was either Hux making a break for the nearest exit or I hand raised with quick words along the lines of "Peavey will speak to you," rather than taking a moment to at least hear him out. Kylo wasn't used to this behaviour. The General was always at the ready to lecture him on his insolence, always biting comments and snide remarks; but no such responses came.

It was nearing the fourth week now and Kylo sat puzzled on his floor, legs crossed over one another as he tried once more to start his meditation. He had left Snoke's audience chamber hours prior, being told he should take a break from his missions and participate in more training, in the hope to strengthen his mind more. Snoke had noticed his apprentice's mind faltering. As Kylo began to relax into his frame, feeling his surroundings fade into the abyss of space and time, he hoped that the force would pull him in the direction of something useful- something that would aid him. But what he got instead was the frantic buzzing of the force surrounding a certain Lieutenant that wasn't able to suppress their strong emotions. The force user honed in on the individual, their surroundings becoming his own as his presence went unnoticed by the ongoing quarrel taking place before him.

"I really don't see what the problem is, Mitaka," Hux spoke in an easy tone as he folded a shirt neatly into his travel bag, which sat half full on his dresser in his quarters.

"The problem is, Armitage, is that the last time you went on one of these missions, you almost had your arm blown off! That's my problem!" Mitaka was filled to the brim with worry and anger as he paced the length of his friend's room. "I simply don't understand why the Supreme Leader requests you to be the one to attend. What sense does it make? I'd think sending someone of my position would be much more beneficial and allow you to presume your role as the General of The First Order."

"Whatever the Supreme Leader asks of me, I'll do. Besides, what harm has it ever caused someone going planet side?" Hux smiled, trying to lighten the mood as well as his headache from Mitaka's heavy emotions. All he wanted was to get off the karking ship for a while to get his thoughts in order without the worrying thought of someone ready to read his mind.

"A lot of harm, Hux! Is this your way of avoiding Ren? Because this is possibly the worst way of doing so. He was able to protect you last time you left the ship and now you're throwing yourself to the banthas!" Mitaka collapsed into a love seat, reaching over for the glass of whiskey Hux had poured him when he entered but was quickly discarded at the revelation of his trip. The Lieutenant just couldn't understand why Hux wanted to leave so bad? Hux had opened up for a brief moment and explained that something had happened between himself and Ren but never delved into what exactly.

Ren lingered, anticipation at the responses Hux would give. Would he really be fleeing to get away from Ren so badly? The knight wasn't an expert at emotions- that much was clear. But he knew the persisting emotion he felt towards Hux meant something more, more than just this annoyance he felt towards the ginger for his nagging or the awkwardness at the piercing glares he received when he knew he was to blame for something. But when Hux let his mental wall fall, the tidal wave of emotion that hit him unlocked a part of himself he'd locked away years ago; years before Snoke and years before he met Hux for the first time. A part of himself he knew he wanted to give only to Hux.

"I'll be fine. I ensure yourself and Phasma to tend to things in my absence," Hux turned to look at his friend, a hand resting on his newly closed travel bag, "I'll return to the Finalizer in one piece, I assure you."

"You better hold true to that statement," Mitaka pouted from his seat.


Kylo stood at the ramp of Hux's shuttle, waiting on his eventual appearance. He stood with anticipation, the words he wanted to say ready to spill from his lips the moment he got a chance. Mitaka must have noticed the unease from beside him as he took occasional glances between the knight and the entrance to the flight bay. Just as Mitaka was about to ask if his superior was alright, the General himself walked through the doors with travel bag in hand.

"Lieutenant," Hux greeted Mitaka halfway after the man made a swift beeline towards himself, a knowing look in his eyes. "I'll handle him, now, go join Phasma on the bridge." Mitaka took one last glance back at the force user before deciding to join Phasma on the bridge; only sparing a second or two to place a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Hux took a jagged breath before placing a stoic expression on his features and steeling his mind as he walked toward his co-commander. As he reached Ren, he tried to walk past him and up the ramp to the cockpit to begin his flight but was abruptly stopped by a muscular arm coming out to form a wall in his path. "Ren, move."


"For kriff sake, Ren, move! I have more important things to worry about than you and your force training. Take your problems to Mitaka," Hux scowled as he took a step back to argue at the, albeit, taller of the two.

"It's not about that. You know what I want to talk to you about-" Kylo tried, his face opening up like a book without his mask to cover it. It was at times like this that he desperately wanted to hide behind the weighted metal.

"About my feelings? No. I won't do that. What you saw with your ridiculous powers was your own-self projecting onto me. I feel nothing towards you." The ginger stood his ground, his leather gloves tightening around the strap of the travel bag he had in hand. He wasn't going to give up this fight. Even if it meant it would break off even the remotest possibility, of being with Kylo, he would do it in order to save his force-forsaken reputation.

"You don't mean that," Kylo's eyebrows knitted together as he tried to seem impassive, clinging onto a fleeting feeling of hope.

"Yes, I do. Now, go run along to Snoke like you always do. I've got better things to focus on." Hux took one last look at Kylo before storming past him and up the ramp, slamming a clenched fist against a panel- the ramp then coming up. He dropped himself into the pilot seat and flicked switches across the control panels, activating the thrusters and guiding himself out the hangar. Once he knew he was far away enough from the Finalizer, he put in the coordinates and took off into hyperspeed, trying desperately to keep the crushing feeling of regret at bay.

He knew this was for the best. It had to be.



Words: 1,367

A/N: Heyo all! I'm sorry for the missed chapters update last week but here we are. I was lost as to where I wanted the remaining two chapters (chapters 8 & 9) to go but I put an idea together and I look forward to writing the last chapter for you all! Like last time, chapter 10 will be the epilogue and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen in it (after the release of chapter 9 of course).

Well, I hope you are all well and once again, your love and support for this book makes my heart swell <3 <3 <3

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙚 / KyluxWhere stories live. Discover now