In Which Sophie Doesn't Get to Interact With Any Soulmates

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 Sophie knew she was dreaming. She knew that this wasn't real. Her life didn't feel real lately. She'd never expected a boyfriend, let alone a werewolf fiancé whose only hobbies seemed to be destroying the world and murdering werechipmunks. But standing in front of a massive obsidian desk, her body just slightly transparent, things felt a little weirder than normal.

"Welcome to Wereworld. Please take a seat while we process your application." The woman behind the desk was tall and thin, her chin as sharp as an arrow.

Sophie tried to smile. She suspected it was more of a grimace. "Where am I?"

"Wereworld. Please sit while we process your application."

There weren't any seats. Sophie glanced down at the floor. "I'll stand."

"Sit. Or I'll chop your head off, eat your eyeballs, and feed the rest to the fishes." The woman examined her fingernails. There was a fish tank on her desk, empty save for two goldfish circling a human finger bone.

Sophie sat.

"That's Tobias and Emerazelda," the woman said, talking to her fingernails. "It's a reference. No one—"

"Wait. Like... Wattpad Tobias and Emerazelda? From The Sassy Shy Girl and—"

"Her Second Chance Mate After She Got Rejected! No way! You read Wattpad too?" The woman's posture became instantly more friendly. She leaned forward, balancing her chin on her hand, eyes sparkling.

"All the time!" Sophie jumped to her feet, then remembered that she didn't want to get eaten by goldfish. She sat down again.

"Oh, don't worry about it. C'mon, get over here." The woman beckoned her closer, her eyes alight with a passion Sophie knew few could understand. "We have to talk. Have you read the sequel yet? You know, The First Chance Mate Returns and There's a Love Triangle. The stupid author won't post her updates on time!"

Sophie leapt over the desk—barely avoiding sending the goldfish tank flying—and sat down beside the woman. "What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Irienna. Omega of the pack. You know, bullied and abused, dead parents, self-esteem issues." She grinned. "I'm basically a Wattpad lead! Okay, but have you read the latest chapter in The First Chance Mate Returns and There's a Love Triangle? I'm still not over it."

"I'm not caught up. I just finished the first book! No spoilers."

"Oh, the second book is so much better. You meet Ace and he," Irienna pretended to swoon. "He is so hot!"

"But what about Tobias?"

"Well, I can't give you any spoilers! But he's hot too. If only fictional men were real. I feel like my real mate is going to end up being some ordinary werewolf who doesn't have their life together any more than I do."

It was like Irienna had read her mind. Sophie had always wanted passion, romance, a love that swept her off her feet and left her dizzy with desire. She'd wanted to run into a man someday and just know, without any of the awkwardness that usually came with first meetings, that she was his and he was hers. But Zach-Xavier-Xane... It was like someone had created a werewolf who embodied the worst aspects of her fantasies and stuck him in her life as if to teach her a lesson.

What if she never fell in love? Sophie shivered at the thought.

"What is it?" Irienna asked.

"Nothing, I just—"

"Oh. I know."


"You're worried about your application, aren't you? I know you've got Nicole, and yes, she is as bad as everyone says, but I'll vouch for you."

"Who's Nicole?"

Irienna swallowed. She ducked her head, blushing, staring down at her fingernails as if she was trying to disappear from the moment.

Sophie heard her before she saw her. High heels clicked against the floor in a slow, predatory pattern. The back of her neck prickled. "What?" she asked, but Irienna just shook her head frantically.

"I see Zach-Xavier-Xane didn't mention me. Typical." There, standing in a hallway that hadn't been there a second ago, was the most beautiful woman Sophie had ever seen. She was young, early twenties if Sophie had to guess, with bleach-blond hair, eyes so blue they almost glowed, and a body barely concealed by an elaborate red dress that ended at the very top of her thighs. Her breasts were the size of watermelons and her waist, on first glance, looked about five inches wide. Heavy makeup—thick mascara and pink eyeshadow, foundation, blush, her lipstick a violent bloody red—coated every pore in her face.

"The jealous ex," Sophie whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, um—" She looked to Irienna for help, but her new friend was still studying her nails like she'd never seen anything more fascinating in her life. "You're Zach-Xavier-Xane's ex. Right? That's all I said. Nothing else."

Irienna nodded helpfully.

"Ex is such an absolute word. I suppose you could call me that." Nicole tilted her head. "I hear you share the Omega's Wattpad enthusiasm. It's a miracle you're even here."

"I have a name, you know," Irienna mumbled.

"What was that?"

Irienna lowered her head, sliding lower in her chair. "...Nothing."

"Good. That's all I want to hear from you." Nicole turned on her heel. "Well Sophie? Are you coming?"

Sophie looked back at Irienna. What was even happening? She'd gotten so excited about Tobias and Emerazelda and a friend who was actually interested in Wattpad that she'd totally forgotten that she was supposed to be bleeding out from her neck. Maybe she'd wandered into that party in the afterlife Jaxon kept talking about. Maybe she was in a coma. Maybe this was all a dream and she would wake up in her own bed, ready for another uneventful day at school.

"It's your interview," Irienna whispered. "For your werewolf application? You know, the thing where Zach-Xavier-Xane ate your neck and now we're evaluating whether you're worthy of joining us?"

Sophie frowned. "What happens if I don't make it in?"

"You die. It's not too bad though." Irienna grinned. "Just talk about Wattpad! I'm sure you'll do fine."

Sophie scanned the room. There weren't any exits that she could see. She could always hide under Irienna's desk, but she really didn't want to get into a fight with Nicole. She raised her chin, set her shoulders back, and followed her soulmate's ex into the office.

Question of the chapter! In your humble opinion, what should the third book in the Sassy Shy Girl series be called?

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Question of the chapter! In your humble opinion, what should the third book in the Sassy Shy Girl series be called?

Word Count: 7505

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