Chapter 2

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Gabby's POV

I walk down the stairs after grabbing my backpack that is full of binders, papers and pens that my dad and I went out last week for. Walking to the kitchen, I spot my laptop sitting on the counter, charged. I say a silent prayer, thanking my dad for plugging it in. In the excitement of everything yesterday, I completely forgot to charge it last night.

See, I have permission from the school to use my laptop, even though it's bulky as all get out, because one of the things the county got, in addition to the personal translator, was this new software program that can convert audio to actual text, so in the event that my translator isn't available for some reason or another, the program will help me.

And, it saves all the recorded audio and scripts for each one, so if I ever need to go back and look at something from the previous day or a lecture, I can. Sliding my bag off my shoulder, even though I'd just put it there, I set it on the counter, and carefully slide the hunk of metal that is my laptop into my bag.

Just as I finish putting it in there, zipping my bag up, and putting it back on my shoulders, a movement out of the corner of my eye has me jumping a little. Turning around quickly, I put a hand on the counter, steadying me, and my other one over my chest.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to scare you." My dad signs, an apologetic look on his face.

I nod and let out a breath then a small giggle. He smiles softly and walks closer to me. Once he holds out his arms, I step into the comfort of them. It doesn't matter that I'm 17, today is a big day, for both me and dad. Bella too, but especially me and dad. Besides, my dad gives some of the best hugs I've ever gotten.

I feel him place a kiss on the top of my head before stepping back from the hug. I look up at him.

"You've got this, kiddo." He signs.

I smile. "I hope so, dad. It's a big day."

"Meet at the diner after school and I'll buy you a nice slice of apple pie." He signs before winking at me.

I bite my lip at the words. Now, I'm more than excited to go to school. Going to the diner and getting apple pie? That's something we do for special occasions. Yes, dad and I did frequent the diner, but going for the sole purpose of apple pie after dinner? That's a celebratory tradition he and I started over a decade ago, shortly after Bella moved to live with our mom and we needed a pick-me-up.

"Sounds good to me, dad! I can't wait." I sign, smiling widely.

He smiles and nods. "If you need anything today, just let me know, okay?"

I nod and hold my phone up for a moment before tucking it back in my pocket. Dad turns and looks at something behind him. After a moment, he turns back to me and signs.

"Bella's coming down. I'll let you get on to school, sweetheart."

I smile and give my dad one more hug, right as Bella walks into my line of sight, swiping the keys to the truck off the kitchen table. Dad kisses my head, then Bella's, and sends us off with a goodbye and "have a good day, girls!"

Bella smiles to herself a little as we walk out to the truck. When she goes over to the driver's side, I take that as my cue to get in on the passenger's side. Setting my bag in the middle of the seat, next to Bella's, I carefully climb in and shut the door. Even though I can't actually hear the truck starting up, I do feel the vibrations of it, and it makes me giggle quietly.

Bella looks over at me, and smiles. "You're a goofball, Gab."

I nod, smiling widely, as she starts to back out of the driveway, and head to school once she's on the main road. The vibrations of the truck as it rumbles along the road calms me and helps me feel better about this new endeavor I'm starting.

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