Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

"How could you do that?" Rosalie snaps at Bella, wondering why she would do that to her own sister.

"I was going to die, what would you have done?" Bella asks, raising her voice.

"I would have died!" Rosalie snaps before turning toward Gabby.

She waves her over and the young, deaf, still very much human girl who happily walks toward her. She wraps her arms around her, holding her close, feeling the need to keep her safe, by any means necessary. Gabby buries her face into the shirt of her still new friend, who's like family now, not wanting to know what they are saying.

She trusts this family with her life and knows they wouldn't purposely put her in harm's way...unlike her sister.

"I've had to fight our kind before." Jasper speaks up, opening a cabinet. "We're not easy to kill."

"But not impossible." Edward glances over at his brothers.

His adopted mother rushes into the room with Gabby's bag, handing it over to him. He opens it and starts grabbing some of her sweaters.

"We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces." Emmett growls, standing near his wife.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle says, glancing at this family.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asks, rubbing Gabby's back.

"I'm gonna run Gabby south." Edward says, looking up from her bag. "Can you lead the tracker away from here?"

"No, Edward." His adopted father shakes his head. "James knows you would never leave Gabby. I'm sure he's counting on that, frankly. So, to give us an advantage, we can't give him what he's expecting."

"I'll go with her." Alice speaks up, wanting to help the young girl.

"What about me?" Bella asks, glancing at everyone.

Alice sighs, knowing she could never forget the sour spelling human. "Jasper and I will drive her and Bella South."

"Rosalie, Esme..." Edward holds up a sweatshirt belonging to his girlfriend. "Could you put this on? So the tracker will pick up Gabby's scent?"

Rosalie, unhesitatingly, removes her arm from the human and takes the sweater. Gabby looks up and watches as the blonde vampire takes off her vest. She slips on the sweater and wraps her arms around the human again. Esme casts a curious glance at Bella before turning her gaze to her son.

"Should one of us wear hers too?" She asks.

Edward thinks it over for a moment and exhales before nodding. Bella opens her bag and pulls out a wrinkled t-shirt. Esme takes it and rushes to another room to change. Alice shows Bella which car they're taking and helps her in before getting in herself with Jasper at the driver's seat. Rosalie pulls away from the scared human and gently passes her to Edward who is waiting with open arms.

Gabby looks up at her boyfriend, a few tears falling from her cheeks.

He wipes her cheeks before cupping them and kissing her forehead. Her cheeks get warmer against his hands at her actions and she looks up at him.

"I don't want you or your family to get hurt..." She signs, staring him in the eyes before looking at his hands.

"We won't. There are five of us, two of them. When it's done, I'll come get you." He signs before speaking aloud so she can read his lips. "You are my life now."

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