Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

It doesn't take long for the couple to arrive at his home, despite it being located deep in the woods out on the edge of Forks' town lines. When they do get there, and after the car's parked, Gabby's ushered inside by Edward, and her eyes widen when she sees the inside of the lovely home. Before signing to her, he chuckles and assists her in removing her jacket and taking her bag.

"You expected turrets, dungeons, and moats, didn't you?"

She gives a quick shake of her head.

"No. That would have come as a surprise to me. I was just taken aback by the big windows." She responds. "It's so free and bright."

"It's the one place where we've never had to hide." He admits before motioning her to the kitchen with his hand.

She starts walking in that direction, her gaze wandering around the house. When he hears pots and pans clanging in the next room over, Edward sighs.

"Are we sure she likes Italian?" Emmett asks.

"I definitely hope so!" Rosalie says, her voice trembling with worry.

Everyone turns around to face the doorway as the couple enters the kitchen. Rosalie puts the bowl she was carrying down and sprints over to the younger girl. Gabby's eyes light up and she happily hugs the blonde when she pulls her in. Esme laughs and shakes her head, slightly taken aback by the actions of the blonde in front of her.

Rosalie raises her hands as she steps back from the embrace.

"How are things going for you?"

"Great. Thank you so much!" Gabby signs.

Esme takes a step around the counter, where she was chopping vegetables just moments prior, to approach the dark-haired young, human lady.

"Gabby, we're preparing Italian for you." She says, smiling.

Gabby blushes a little more and signs her thanks once more. Edward raises his hands, drawing her attention to him.

"This is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes."

Gabby reaches out to shake Esme's hand, but she shakes her head and draws her in for a hug. The young girl's cheeks are flushed as she wraps her arms around the cold lady. Gabby looks across to the kitchen to see Dr. Cullen as they walk away. Before signing, he gives her a wave.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time."

Letting out an amused, tiny giggle at the doctor's words, she surveys the kitchen. The Cullens are cooking with brand new Williams-Sonoma cookware, the newly opened boxes to which are piled up in one of the room's corners. A tiny TV on the counter is showing a cooking program, most definitely a special Italian show.

"I hope you're hungry." Esme gives her a friendly smile.

She begins to nod and lift her hands, but Edward signs first.

"She already ate."

Rosalie and Esme's faces fall slightly, but Gabby smacks Edward's arm and shakes her head rapidly.

"I haven't eaten. I was going to have Edward buy me food later."

She watches as the two women's faces light up with Emmett laughing back in the kitchen. She smiles to herself, then jumps, startled a little, when someone comes into her line of vision. Alice jumps over the balcony railing, a bouquet of wildflowers in her hands. Next to Alice, Jasper hops over the railing.

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