Chapter 6

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Third Person POV ~ Same Night

Since she confronted Edward with the information and he confirmed it, he's been answering every question she has. She also doesn't have to worry about her sister or father coming home right now. Charlie had texted her a few minutes ago, letting her know he's staying late and that Bella had called him a bit earlier, telling him she's going to be hanging out with Jacob for a few hours.

So far, throughout his explanations, Gabby learns that the only way to kill a vampire is to rip them apart and burn the pieces. Literally everything in the books has been a lie. They can take pictures and their reflections are actually seen in mirrors. Animal blood does not weaken them like that one book told her.

Each vampire even has some kind of venom that is laced throughout their body. She also learns that certain vampires have powers, characteristics or traits that they may have brought over from their human lives, or Edward explains that that's Carlisle's theory anyway, at least as to where the powers come from.

One of the more intriguing things she finds out is that Edward has the ability to read minds. Hers included. At first, she finds herself nervous about that, but he quickly assures her that he won't do it as often as he does for other people. Needless to say, she's pretty happy about that. Lastly, and most likely the coolest thing that she learns is the fact that he was born in 1901 while Carlisle and Esme were born much earlier than him, 1640 and 1895, respectively.

"How long have you this?" She signs, glancing up at him.

"Since nineteen-eighteen. That's when Carlisle found me." He answers, watching her reaction.

She stares into space for a moment. "You were 17 then when you changed. And that would make you 104 now, if I am correct on my math."

He chuckles softly and nods. "You are correct. Making me feel old there, Gabby."

"At least you look good for your age, and it's not quite like you're robbing the cradle, Ed." She playfully shrugs before continuing her questioning. "Where'd Carlisle find you?"

"In a hospital in Chicago, dying of Spanish Influenza. My parents had already died. My mom just before me."

She gasps silently, taking in the information. "You...You didn't get to say goodbye?"

He shakes his head no. She reaches over and puts her hand on his, squeezing it softly, trying to comfort him.

"I've had quite a few years to come to terms with it." He signs, smiling softly. "Maybe more than just a few, if I'm being honest."

She takes in a deep breath before thinking of another question.

"So what does this venom do?" She asks.

"A single bite contains a lot. It kinda does a number of things. For starters, it's the basis for our physiology; it makes us what we are. For hunting, it'a means to paralyze our prey in pain to prevent them from escaping. For those of my kind that survive off human blood, our venom has a pleasant scent to lure the victims in. As a defense, it's also a toxin poisonous to animals and shape-shifters. We don't get hurt often, but when we do, it's our venom that repairs a torn limb or bone."

He takes a moment, pausing, letting her soak in everything he's said so far. She watches his fingers, intently and curiously. He decides to continue telling her, once she's caught up with everything up to that moment.

"And, very occasionally, as a means for vampires to propagate our species. The victim cannot run, giving the vampire the choice to either kill the victim or allow her/him to change. The thing, though, is that once we taste blood, a sort of frenzy begins. It's almost impossible to stop." He answers.

Lost in Silence - Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now