Chapter 3

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We walked over to Evans friends, all the guys looked up and down at me, slowly. It was kinda creepy. The girl just got kind of tense and nervous as I approached them.
" Hi, I'm Alison." I said kind of nervous.
" Hey, I'm Tyler , and this is Justin, Austin , Brad, and Caleb." He said pointing to all of them.
"Eh,em" the girl said loadly
" Oh ya, this is Rylie,"he said lazily
" Thanks for the big intro" she said sarcastically
"Well we gonna play ball or naw" Evan said picking up the basket ball
"I'm not so sure I should play" I said putting my hair behind my ears.
"And why is that?" Evan asked
"I'm not at all good"i said embarrassed
" Well let's see" Evan said poking my arm
"Can we just play already?" Rylie said taking the ball from Evan
" Yeah , and you are playing"
"Okay but don't blame me when you get a broken nose"i said laughing
We played for 2 hours until one of Evans friends touched my ass. Which was awkward so I said I was tired and left. Evan left with me and he ended up staying for dinner.
"You guys had fun today?" Dad asked
" Ya , Evans alright" I said sarcastically
We all had a good night and Evan went home. The next day I was walking down the street to WaWa to get a banana nut muffin, my fav, and I had my earbuds in , blocking out the world. When all the sudden I was punched to the other side of the street scraping my hands on the ruff ground.I hit my head in the ground and black out.

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