Chapter 12

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I walked into school. Wearing a short-ish dress. Pink lips. Flawless mascara and baby pink eyeshadow, plus a perfect tan. Plus medium heals. Pink. I walked into first period, most eyes on me. I smiled and sat down. I guess Evan wasn't here today. Rylie was. Gross.
"Can we work now or are you going to cry and harass me again?" I asked
"Not sure but I don't want bad grades. So we should probably do someone easy. How about Sacajawea?"she said
"Perfect."i responded
We were happily researching when Rylie asked me ...
"Where's Evan?" She asked and winked at me.
"What did you do?" I mumbled
"I'm not sure what did you do?" She asked.
"Where is he?!" I spat digging my nails into her wrist.
"Ow!" she cried
"Rylie what's wrong?" The teacher asked and I immediately let go.
"My wrist ,it hurts so much from writing." She said holding her wrist.
"Well you can go to the nurse and get an ice pack if it's hurts that much but hurry back you only have till tomorrow to finish your projects."Mr. Colin's said aloud.
"Make sure it gets an A+." she whispered
She new if I purposely make to project fail I'll be failing too , and not just her. Smart.
I went home to find police cars on my street , in my house and Evans house. What did Rylie do.
"MOM!" I yelled
She was in the kitchen with Evans mom crying on her shoulder.
"My baby!" She cried. Evan.
"What happened?" I asked
"Evans gone sweetie. He's gone missing." she said. My heart dropped out of my chest and I tried to hold back tears but I couldn't . My eyes became there own Niagara Falls.
"What?!" I said wiping the tears from my cheek .
"I think I kno-" I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone dressed in black with a knife in their hand and on it was the jacket Evan was wearing last night . With blood on it. The person was Rylies height , and figure. After we made eye contact they turned around and started walking away. That's when I ran straight through the sliding door in my kitchen going straight through the screen.
"Alison!" My mom yelled
I was running after this person the they started running to. My lungs and legs were burning but this was for Evan. They turned into the trees of course I lost them. It was a cloudy day , plus the shadiness of the trees in the woods in my backyard where they figure was , didn't help . Than I tripped like all people do in the movies before a ax maniac kills them. I didn't notice this was a trap. I tripped over wire spilling gasoline over where I fell. Than the figure apeared and through a match at the gasoline causing a big circle around me shoot up with flames. I was trapped. Than someone , the figure, the Rylie, shine a flashlight on some trees around me . They each had pictures of Evan and me together and my face was crossed out and Evan had horns on his head. Than I realized the black figure was in the background hiding in the trees in each one. Than the figure disappeared when we both heard voices. The police . I guess my mom sent them and they saw the flashlight and fire.
"Hey!" They yelled
"I'm over here!" I cried
" It's okay we got you."
They police men put out the fire got me out and I showed them the pictures of me and Evan on the trees and searched the whole area. I told my mom what happened and she hugged me tightly and Evans mom too . I prayed that night. Something I never do , than got a shower and before that shutting my windows and locking my door.
After my shower I looked at all the pictures of me and Evan wishing he was here . And than I saw it . In every picture of me and Evan that we took . The figure always hiding in the background making sure that they were in it the smallest bit. This meant war. Rylie , I'm coming for you.

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