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Part 2 to Conscious

"I think I'm in love with you."

"I know that already,Paige. I can't love. You should know that"

"I'm not asking you to love me. I'm asking you to have fun with me."

He smirked as a green smoke enveloped us, whisking us away to somewhere more private.

The smoke cleared and Paige found her self standing in Peters bed room, his arms still wrapped around her.

Instead of thinking about the fact that her family was just outside the treehouse and how they would likely be able to hear everything, she found her self looking around.

His room was simple. A large queen sized bed with a green comforter and matching sheets occupied the middle of the floor. The head board had intricate carvings of trees on it. Paige really hoped she'd be pinned to it later. There was a sheer dark green bed canopy that gave the option of privacy should it be needed. To the right side there was a bedside table with a simple lamp on it. Nothing more. Paige saw a matching dresser off to the left by the door, and she couldn't stop the question from popping out.

"If you only ever wear one outfit, why do you need a place to store clothes?"

Pan laughed, but ignored her question. "I knew there was something strange about you when you showed up begging to stay. You bring new meaning to the phrase 'black sheep of the family'."

Rolling her eyes, Paige moved to press her lips back to Pans. He was an incredible kisser and she knew she'd never get enough of it.

Pan slipped his tongue in her mouth once again, exploring every inch of it. She moaned against him and pushed her body up against his. A flame had ignited in the both of them, one that couldn't be put out even if Killian Jones stormed in and ripped them apart from each other.

With her chest pressed against his, he could feel her heart thrumming away in her chest. "You're an adrenaline junkie!" He exclaimed as she pulled away for air.

"Then adrenalize me."

With that, Pan pulled his arms from around her waist and shoved her roughly to the bed. It knocked the wind out of her, but from the way she squirmed it was easy to see she loved it. Climbing on top of the horny girl, he began trailing kisses down her jaw and neck. Biting and leaving dark red marks in random places.

Each time his teeth scraped her skin, she gasped in delight, effectively making his cock twitch in excitement.
She grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled him back up so she could kiss him again.

Paige really didn't want to ruin the moment, but there was an important piece of information that should be shared before this went any further. "Peter" she moaned out trying to drag his attention away from the sensitive skin on her neck. The way she moaned his name drove him mad,so he could only hum in response. "I uh... there's something I should mention."

"What" He was agitated that his concentration had been broken.

"I uh. Well I've never done this before."

It dawned on Peter just what she meant, and it took all his self control not to laugh in her face. "Really?!" He just found the idea of it hilarious for some reason.

"Yes. My father didn't even let me have male friends let alone boyfriends! I was never allowed alone with anyone to try anything." Her face burned a bright red shade. Pan mocking her was embarrassing. What was even more embarrassing was the fact it made her even more wet.

"Well then love, why don't we have some fun and see what does and doesn't get your blood pumping?" Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Your adorable when you blush love."

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