Queen of Neverland

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~Forewarning idk why this got kinda dark at then end but it didXD...But hey happy ending for once...also i have a smut scene written but idk if im a publish it. if you want me to comment~

I had been on Neverland for 6 years now, me and Peter had been together for 5. My life before Neverland was spent locked in a castle because my father,the king, was an overbearing man. He treated me and my mother like commoners even though we were really the princess and queen. At some point my mom stopped defending me, and they locked me away in the depths of the palace never to see the light of day again. Then Peter found me.

He took me away and after a year of living on Neverland, he made me Queen-i.e. his wife.  I know what your thinking, a year was not enough time to get to know him but you'd be surprised. I knew my husband well. He was a merciless, vindictive, cruel, heartless, hot monster....most times. If we were alone he was the sweetest, most caring person only when it came to me. I love him and i know he loves me.

Today was our 5 year anniversary, and he said he had a surprise for me. I was beyond excited for whatever it was. I already had given him his gift when he woke up(hes my husband you can guess what it was). I was sitting in the tree house waiting for him to get done with the lost boys. Finally he came in with a bag in his hand. He handed it to me with a smirk on his face as i giggled and snatched the bag from his grasp. I dug in the bag quickly, anxious to know what it was. My hand was met with a soft piece of fabric and i pulled it out. It was a dark green ballgown. (^pic above bc i can describe life rn)

"Peter...Whats's this for?" I asked as i held it up to my small frame, admiring how it would look in the mirror.

"This" he said simply and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. I took it from him cautiously and began to read it. 

"Peter this is an invitation to a ball...A ball my parents are throwing...why do you have this" i said confused "How did you get this?"

He smirked at me again" I have ways love and i know how much you love to dance so i figured why not go show them what you really are and have a good time?" He knew this was a sore subject for me. They had wanted nothing to do with me since my mother had me. My father wanted-needed- a son to take the throne, but i was an incapable,stupid girl who couldn't run a kingdom. Least that's what my father said.

I looked at him hesitantly"W-who am I exactly?"  

Peter walked over to me and cupped my face, "My wife" he said and kissed me lightly. Then he made a crown made of gold and emeralds appeared out of thin air "And" he said placing it on my head "The Queen of Neverland"


Eventually i was ready and met him on the beach. He was lecturing Felix about taking care of the boys while he was gone, just like every time he left. My dress fit perfect, but it was a little odd being in one after not even really owning a dress in so long. My long black hair was braided down my back, and my makeup done perfect. The heels were something different after having not touched them in years. But my royal instincts kicked in and i held my head high and kept my posture correct to balance the tiara on my head. Peter grinned wide when he saw me. Linking his arm in mine, we waved good bye to Felix and the scene around us changed. First it was black then in a matter of a second we were standing in-front of the palace i once called home. I smacked Peter hard in the chest. "I hate when you do that" i said, but he only chuckled at me. 

We walked though the front doors like we owned the place, because technically i did. It was my birthright even if i wasn't a boy,  but i didnt want it, i had somewhere better. Someone better. People stared at us, probably because they knew my husbands reputation. I walked right up to where my parents sat as everyone settled themselves and went back to chatting. I felt a number of things swirl inside me:anger, hatred, confidence.

"What are you doing here?" my father said looking at my husband. He spoke as if he were trying to hide his fear at the sight of Peter. My mother sat next to him, a large purple bruise on her face and throat. I should have felt bad, but i didnt. In fact i laughed.

"Well thats no way to talk to your son-in-law" i said smiling sweetly. His head snapped to face me finally realizing who i was" What is it DADDY dont remember the child you didnt want?"

He was silent for only a moment"Your beautiful." Beautiful? Anger surged though me and i picked up the nearest object to me, which was a platter of food, and threw it at him.

"BEAUTIFUL?" i yelled. Everyone was looking at me now, "Was i not when you locked me away? Was i not when you denied me the throne. You said i couldnt have it because i'm a girl and girls cant rule a kingdom but guess what Peter lets me run Neverland and its just fine-"

"That is an island full of savage children" my mother tired to defend him "and you will not yell at your father young lady" With that she stood up and grabbed my wrist. She tried to drag me away but Peter grabbed her and held a sword to her neck.

"Oh but your majesty see unlike you husband i do not allow threats to be thrown at my queen" he looked up at me and smirked "Continue love"

"Look what he has done to you" my father said in disappointment "hes made you a monster, just like him"

"You did this to me" i gritted my teeth "And im going to watch you lose everything you love"

I kicked over the barrels of alcohol they had and grabbed a torch off the wall(which was terribly difficult to do with a dress on). I glanced at my husband half unsure if i should do this. When i saw the love and admiration that shone in his green eyes, i dropped the torch, igniting the alcohol and the palace. I gave him a nodded and he smirked.

"You sure my dear" he asked pressing the blade to my mothers throat.

"She is not my mother so yes im sure" i said. He moved the sword from my mother neck and plunged it into her stomach. My father screamed her name as i ran up to him and grabbed the crown made of glass that sat on top of his bald head. Throwing as far as i could it broke to pieces against the far wall."And you are no king or father" i spit at him. He ran as fast as he could out the doors avoiding the flames along with all the other guests. 

I walked to the middle of the ballroom and stood there. Peter walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me as the flames engulfed the room.

"I love you my queen" he smiled at me

"I love you to my king"

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