Happily Never After(part 2)

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*I'm bored and in the mood to write so why not. Also someone asked for a part two and i figured why not????*

*Peter Pans POV*
I carried (y/n)'s lifeless body back to camp trying my best to keep from crying. As i entered camp, all the lost boys turned to look at me. Their eyes fell upon the dead lost girl, her long chocolate colored hair still dripping wet, soaking my clothes as i held her tightly to me. 

With a hard voice, i spoke "(Y/N)'s gone. She was tricked by the mermaids and drowned."

There was a rustle among the boys as they processed this information. They all cared for (y/n) deeply. She was one of them.

"What do you suppose we should do Pan?" Felix was the first to speak. His face tight with rage and his eyes alive with sadness as he looked at the lifeless body in my arms. I glanced down at her body with sorrow. Her brown eyes, like pools of honey glowing in the sunlight that filtered though the trees, were still open and lifeless. Although that wasn't anything new. (Y/N) had never had any light in her eyes since the moment she arrived on the island. You could see just how numb she felt some days in her eyes.

"They took our queen. Let us return the favor, shall we boys?" my voice caught in my throat yet somehow remained steady throughout. A loud cheer of approval went up from the boys. Felix went to take her from me, but i hesitated. He gave me a look to tell me it was alright and took her from my arms, placing her in one of the boys tents. With a deep, angry breath i gathered all my rage, "Come on boys. Let's play!"

(3rd Person POV)

(Y/N) ran though the mysterious forest as a group of random boys chased her. What was this place?  Why was she here? Fear coursed through her body in a way it never had before. The last thing she remembered she had jumped off a cliff , with a 200 foot drop down to jagged rocks and an unforgiving sea. 

Yes, she tried to take her own life. She saw nothing worth living for.

She hadn't been paying attention to what was around her, and she found her self trapped. The boys had manged to form a loose circle around her and were now closing in. Soon they'd be on top of her and she didn't like the idea of that. The only way she'd die would be at the hands of herself, not some group of boys in a mysterious forest.

The boy that was directly in front of her ginned maniacally at her. He was tall and lean, and very intimidating. But what scared her the most about him was the scar on the left side of his face just under his eye, all the way down to his chin."Well what do we have here?" he mused, "How did you get here GIRL?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" (y/n) said arrogantly , tossing her long brown hair over her shoulder. She tried to be something other than afraid and hopeless.

The boy growled and lunged at her, his hand and arm outstretched as to grab her by the throat and choke her. She ducked on instinct and rushed forward, so now her intimidating attacker was in the middle of the boys. She hadn't noticed before but now that she was able to see all the boys, there was only about 6 of them, intimidating attacker boy included. 

The boy who had lunged at her started to advance, as well as two of the other boys. She couldn't see their faces due to the darkness that surrounded them. The boys reminded her of vicious rabid wolves stalking their prey. (Y/N) watched as they all got ready to pounce and make her their latest kill. Well she'd be damned if she went down like that.

As one of the other boys who had advanced on her threw himself at her and she sidestepped and shoved him roughly to the side. He rolled off and got stuck under a nearby bush covered with thorns.  She looked up to see that she was now directly in front of the other boy, with the intimidating one to her right. It was time she stop playing defense. She held her breath and punched the boy in front of her in the nose quickly, causing him to stumble. She took this opportunity to sweep his legs out from under him and make him land on his back, knocking the wind out of him.

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