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2 days later

Friday evening
06:20 PM

3rd person's POV

"No no. You walk ahead. me and dino will watch whether he's following you" Jimin explained.

"What am I then? A ghost?" Ara asked unamused.

"Oh right. You join him then" Jimin suggested.

"What!? Nooo. I wanted to spectate them too" She argued.

"Well you can watch kai though"

"Whatever" Ara shrugged joining Jungkook.

To ensure whether Lucas was stalking them or kai, they came up with a plan.

Seeing Kai leaving the house Jungkook, Ara, Dino and Jimin decided to secretly watch them. To stalk him.

Their plan was ; Jungkook will go to some place farther from Kai while Jimin and Dino will watch them from afar while they convey messages through earpieces they wore.

And they will ensure whether Lucas is following Jungkook? Or Kai? Or whether Kai is just delusional.

"Okay. Kai is going towards the grocery shop in the west. Jungkook you move towards that shop in the dead end of that way" Dino directed pointing an accusing finger at the path parallel to Kai's.

"While me and Jimin will watch you two from the top of that building. Okay?" Dino added pointing towards a random building a little farther from them as others agreed.

"Okay okay move" Dino said running to the staircase of the old building with Jimin while Jungkook and Ara moved towards the butcher shop in the dead end of the path in the west.

They spent minutes waiting for Kai to do something or Lucas to appear.

Dino watched Kai through the binocular in his hand. Jimin had another binocular in which he was currently busy looking around for Lucas.

Since Jimin didn't know what Lucas looked like, Ara has showed him a photo from his social media.

"I think this Kai is just delusional" Dino sighed watching Kai looking around cautious,

"Lucas didn't appear?" Jungkook doubted through the earpiece.

"No sight of him and this Kai of yours is currently busy creeping people around him. So weird" Dino sighed.

"Hey. He ain't weird okay? Maybe someone is actually following him?" Ara argued.

"Oh come on. You and your soft spot for him-Guys change of plans. Kai is running away. Away from us. Something is wrong" Dino said standing up.

"What? What's wrong" Ara doubted.

"I don't know. Can you guys see us?" Dino questioned waving at the Jungkook farther from him.

"Yes yes" Jungkook replied.

"He went to that direction. Can you guys see him?" Jungkook Grabbed his earpiece with his hand. With the other hand, he grabbed Ara's arm before running towards Kai.

Even though they were fast, Kai had already disappeared to thin air.

It was as if he knew Their plan.

"Missed him" Jungkook mumbled at the earpiece followed by a sigh.

"Hey hey. You two stop whatever you're doing. Lucas is here" Dino expressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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