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Sunday morning

Ara's POV

My sleep was interrupted by many screams and hisses from downstairs.

Of course I was oblivious to the reason why some grownup men were in a catfight downstairs but at least I knew that if I expected a good night's sleep in this household, I am probably suffering from Alzheimer's.

Not surprised. That's how most of the time I wake up anyway. Ya there's this 6 unmatured kids here. Me and Jin are the only matured people here.

I let out a dramatic sigh followed by a dramatic eye roll.

"Taehyung get off of namjoon"

"Jin Hyung, he is being mean again"

"Namjoon stop correcting him too much. let the kid live"

[Bold is them speaking English]

"Why am I the one to be blamed? He called me dumb first. Oh wait he called me dhomb not dumb"

"Your so mean"

"You forgot the apostrophe. It's actually you're"

"Yooongiieee tells him to stop"
"tell not tells"

"Damn these kids are interrupting my beauty sleep" I groaned.

I lazily opened my eyes only to be met with my messy table with packet of chips here and there. I reached for my phone and looked at the time which said 7:03 am.

I slowly got up from my bed and lazily walked to the bathroom. I did my business before going down stairs.

"Stop yelling kids! I feel bad for our neighbours" I addressed to tae and joon who were on the floor, fighting like cat and mouse.

"Says the one who literally yells 24/7" Tae said getting off of namjoon.

"Kids these days are very disrespectful of their elders" I said dramatically as jin chuckled at my dramatic ass.

"You up?" jin asked.

"Do I look like am sleepwalking, buddy?" I questioned as he chuckled.

"Where are others? Why isn't jungkook here to complain about his banana milks' consistency" I asked.

"Oh yeah! you got to hear what you did yesterday" Jin said as I turned my attention from taehyung's feet which had two different socks to jin who had a white moustache out of drinking milk.

"What was it?" I asked.

"You fell asleep on the living room's couch remember?"

"Hm and?" I doubted finding nothing unusual in Jin's words.

"So jungkook was there sitting beside you, watching tom and jerry and you sat up in your sleep before slapping him right accross his cheek. And then you told him 'chugga-chugga-chugga-buggy'. I was there cleaning the living room and you should've seen his face. He looked as if he has seen a ghost" Jin said chortling.

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