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Monday morning

3rd person's POV

"Wakey wakey"

"Go away hobi"

"Wakeup sleepy head"


"Hobi give me my blanket back" She yelled when she felt her blanket leaving her body.

"You're going to be late on your first day of your new school if you don't wake-up now" hobi said.

"Do I look like I care? "

"You don't but I do, now get up" Hobi said slightly shaking her in order to wake her.

"Hobi~ am sleepy" She whined.

"But it's already 8" He said.

She quickly got up from her bed the very second she heard him and started to search for her phone. She looked at the time the next second she got her phone. It said 6:06. She glared at hobi who was laughing in victory that he tricked his sister.

"Its 6 o' clock hobi" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Your school starts at 7:50 and you always need atleast hour to stare at nothing but the wall in a trance" He said

"At least let me sleep until 6:30" She pleaded.


"Suck it" She said before going back to sleep, pulling the blanket with her.

"Oh really? Then I have to push you off the bed" Hobi suggested.

"Fineee...am up" She said getting up lazily.

"Go and brush your teeth first. it smells like soggy spoiled fish" he said

"I just woke up dumbo" She said getting out of her bed.

"You know what Ara? you should really stop breaking those alarm clocks" Hobi said sighing.

"Not my problem,that it kept ringing" She addressed.

"What's the use of alarm clock then? To play sudoku? " Hobi asked.

"Bro I won't be in the right sense when am half asleep" She said entering the bathroom.

She wore her uniform after doing her daily routine that varies from day to day and went downstairs. She smiled when she smelled freshly cooked squid.

Everyone were present in the dining table. She washed her hands before seating herself in between jin and kook.

Everyone was eating rice and stir fried squid with other side dishes except Tae. he was having cookies with some mayo. Ya he is the odd one among them.

And moreover he doesn't like spicy food. So jin cooks seperate food for him.

She munched a soft juicy squid happily before giving jin a thumbs up as He smiled at the compliment.

Soon namjoon dropped Ara and jungkook to their school before driving away with Tae and Timin.

Sometimes namjoon drives them cause he teaches the same collage as theirs. Some of the days they would go by themselves.

The main reason Namjoon drives them would probably be the fact that Jin is an overprotective helicopter Brother who doesn't want his beloved brothers to get kidnapped while they're in the public bus.

"So this is our school?" Ara asked Jungkook as He nodded. She did went there once to take admission but then the school was empty and looked completely different.

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