vir-gin things

52 2 15

The Convo (cont.):


The *thing*

I cannot express it verbally.


like 2 people thing im so confused


so am i... why would you even do that?

it is indeed very starting


it was at this point that jessica was be-com-ing quite dizzy. her thoughts were muddled. fall out boys blared at unlikely volumes in  her brain, which was nothing but grey matter.

jessica heard in her empty mind: þy girlboss must do þy duty.

"teehee" she reopened her dms


U should just say what you mean cuz I have no clue what you are talking about


If you arent a man of mystery then you arent a man at all


I have no clue what you mean by the thing.

Also who are you?

jessica (candice)

my name is candice, from middle school? 


Yo fr I didn't even go to middle school I went a private school for grade 8

fuck. jessica (candice) didnt think shed get this far. uhh uhh she thought. that was the grey matter . 


Omg same

So that was you?


What school then


Deez high school 

except. this was actually true. for a certain time, jessica went to highschool. though, it was long ago, like four hundred yrs ago. it was before the dinosaurs were all killed??? yea that sounds abt rihgt. 

anyway, deez highschool was, and is described by jessica as an "unfun and uncool school." at deez, emo people were killed in the halls; and there were many interesting clubs such as: "The Ways of the Gays," and "Chess Club."

jessica was neither gay, nor smart, so she was a loner. every day she went home and cried tears of blood, and if she was wearing mascara (which she always did), the tears would be black like her soul. 

"great," thought jessica, as she could feel her "depression" coming. 

jessica closed her DMs and laid down on the floor. she never did any chores so her floor was quite crusty. then again, her policy is: cleanliness is for the weak.

she enjoys her surroundings being as dirty as she is. jessica believes that it fits in with her "grunge" style.

then, jessica started sobbing tears of blood. of course, it was her mom's aka the mailman's blood. how did the moms blood get to the penthouse in the first place??? nobody knows and tbh the author doesnt wanna think abt it.

anw. jessica was crying a lot. but but but but but~! shes always prepared for these situations.

first, jessica always has a stuffy near her, and ab pics (goth abs ofc).

the stuffy is for emotional support cuz she hath no fwends owo. the abs are cuz she gets thirsty sometimes. actually, all the time. 

jessica hugged the chungus stuffy close to her BOSOM and gave it head pats aweeeeeee. then, she ripped its head off cuz she was angy at the world.


A/N :  sry for the short chapter lul

Update: hopefully never

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