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sam thomas

i have had a crush on kristy's brother sam ever since i can remember. kristy, sam, charlie, and i were very close growing up. i was always at their house or they were always at mine. we were four peas in a pod if you must. but sadly we've kinda gone out separate ways. now it was just me and kristy. sure one in a while i'll see sam and charlie and we'll say "hi" but thats really it. sometimes i think about how we were all bestfriends and it hurts. anyways i was at kristy's and i was currently in the kitchen making popcorn for the bbc.

the rest of the girls were upstairs probably talking about boys or something. i got the bag of popcorn out of the microwave and poured it into the bowl i always use for popcorn. i shook only a little salt into the bowl when i heard someone say my name. i turned around and it was no other than you guessed it, sam thomas. "y/n, what are you doing here" he asked while stealing a handful of popcorn. "what do you think thomas, club meeting" i said with a playful glare to which he smiled at. his smile made my heart jump. oh this boy really is perfect. "woah woah feeling a little sassy aren't you" he replied with a smirk. "you know me well" i said as i picked up the bowl of popcorn about to leave the kitchen.

"hey wait" sam said gently grabbing my shoulder causing me to turn and look at him. i just gave him a confused look. "after your done talking about babies or whatever it is you do, do you wanna hang out maybe?" he asked with a hopeful look as he bit his lip. i'd be lying if I said that didn't give me butterflies because it sure did. i gave him a weird look secretly screaming on the inside. "thats weird of you to ask because we haven't really hung out in a while, but yea sure I guess" i said to him with a small smile and red cheeks. he was blushing too.

he was about to say something until i heard kristy's voice "come on y/n you don't wanna be seen talking to this loser" she rolled her eyes at sam and grabbed my arm, pulling me back upstairs and into her room once more.

once i got back into kristy's room dawn took the bowl of popcorn from me and smirked. "sam huh" she whispered. "it's not like that" i said trying to not smile. "oh sure" she said as she went to go sit back down with mary ann. does she know i like sam? does kristy know? does sam know? i really hope he doesn't know. it's not like he'd like me back anyways. i'm nothing but an old friend to him. of course that made me sad but that's all i am to him anyways.

"okay we can finally get back to our meeting." kristy said with a sigh which was my cue to sit down and get back on track.


"so now that the meetings over, do any of you wanna stay over?" kristy asked. oh shoot, what do i say. sam had already asked me to hang out. "yeah i can stay over tonigh my mom is fine with it" dawn said with a smile. " I'm sorry i can't my dad wants me home right after meetings now" mary ann said with a frown. "oh okay maybe another time?" kristy asked mary ann. "yeah, another time" mary ann said as she walked out of kristy's room after waving goodbye to everyone. claudia was able to stay as well but stacey had an appointment which we all knew was a lie. she just wanted to hang out with this boy that she met at school.

finally it was my turn to tell kristy if i was able to stay or not. "kristy i-" i had gotten cut off by her bedroom door opening. "is the meeting over y/n and i are planning on hanging out" of course it was Sam and of course he had to say that. kristy's head quickly turned towards me and she said "your hanging out with him- fine but this is the ONLY time i'm ever letting this happen. just don't fall in love or something." she said this whole fake puking. i ran to her and hugged her "thanks kris this will be the only time" i said trying not to make her mad. "it better be" she said while glaring at her brother with her arms crossed.

"whatever come on y/n" he said while laughing at his sister. "shut up sam" i said as i walked towards him.

"so what do you wanna do" sam asked looking at me. we were now walking outside together. "umm how about we get ice cream just like we used to?" i asked looking up at him. "sounds good" he said while putting his arm around me which made me blush like a mad man. i turned my head so he couldn't see but little did i know, he was blushing too.

we had just gotten to the ice cream place that we'd always go to as little kids. this brought back so many amazing memories. sam and i always got the same flavor it was just something that we did. cookie dough with sprinkles was always our favorite though. "should we get the usual?" sam asked with the cutest smile. this boy has me wrapped around his finger without even knowing it. i really really like him but he'll probably never like me anyways.

we got our ice cream and sat at one of the two seated tables. the table we would sit at as kids and we'd pretend we were on a date. "hey sam remember when we were little and we acted like we were on a date" i asked shyly. "yeah except this time we're older and it's a real date." he laughed. i just laughed because i though he was joking. "so how's life been y/n?" sam asked. "it's been boring, school taking up half my mind and the other half is (him but i can't say that) the club and babysitting" i said. "oh yeah that's probably really stressful..." we just continued to talk until we were finished with our ice cream.

now that we're done we're on our way to our favorite park as kids. the one where he asked me to marry him. then he kissed me. sam thomas was my very. first. kiss. and that was so special to me. when we got there we were just playing and taking selfie's. now we were sitting on the big slide just talking. "hey y/n" he said looking at me. "yea wassup" i said looking at him with a loving smile. he just looked at me. no he wasn't just looking at me he was leaning towards me. everything stopped as he just placed his lips on mine. we kissed like the world was gonna end. fireworks were going off in my head. i thought i'd never experience this again. oh i was wrong.

when we finally pulled apart we just smiled at each other. this really was happening. we leaned in once again this time sharing a much more passionate kiss. once we departed we were both just in shock. "um are you sleeping over tonight" he asked with red cheeks. "yeah if my mom is okay with it" i said awkwardly. "i'll text her right now" i said pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"she said i could stay over sam" i told him. "cool um so do you wanna go back now?" he asked looking at me. "yeah sure" i said smiling at him which he returned the favor. as soon as we both stood up he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. we just walked back in comfortable silence. i swear I'm the happiest girl in the world whenever i'm with sam.