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claudia kishi

i just moved back to stonybrook. i really missed it here and all my friends but must importantly my girlfriend, claudia. she's the best girlfriend ever. we are known as the "crafty couple". we both enjoyed art very much. before we got together our friends always shipped us. now there was a new girl in the friend group. i heard she's nice but i'm not gonna lie i know her and claudia are close which makes me a bit jealous. but i can't worry about that right now. i'm finally back in my old house! i had just got all my boxes into my old room and it was time to unpack but i promised my friends that i'd call them to help me set it up.

so i called my groupchat "GUYS I'M BACK" I cheered happily. "WE MISSED YOU" they all yelled. "WERE COMING OVER RIGHT NOW" "CLAUDIA NEVER STOPS TALKING ABOUT YOU" kristy yelled. "awww claudia i never stop thinking about you" after i said that i looked at her camera to see that she was blushing. "im gonna go wait for you guys i'll be on my porch" i said with excitement.

i was sitting on my porch thinking about the time claudia asked me on a painting date. that was the best day ever. i was on my phone scrolling through old pictures of me and the bbc when i heard yelling. I looked up and it was my bestfriends. I really missed them. I ran to them as quickly as i could and we all grouped hugged. here came the tears. "i missed you guys so much it sucked being miles away without you guys. i never wanna go back". i cried. and they comforted me. when we left the group hug my eyes met claudia's. i missed her the very most.

"claud" i said as i hugged her so tight. "i missed you bub" she said as she started crying. "aww" dawn cooed. claudia and i just laughed happily. we were so happy to be back in each other's arms. "never leave me again" claudia said making my heart melt. "i never wanted to claud and i promise to never leave again". i said as i quickly pecked her lips. that was our first kiss. we didn't say anything else we just looked at each other like our lives depended on it. because they did. when i was away from her my sunshine went away i was actually turning into a snob and crying everyday. i missed my claud. "claudia you truly are my sunshine" i told her while taking her hand in mine.

"your the paint to my paintbrush" she told me as we walked back to where the girls were sitting on the lawn. "you guys that was so cuteeee" dawn said with a pout. "can we get the mushy stuff over with" kristy said kinda grossed out. "oh kristy let them be they haven't seen each other in almost a year" mary ann told her.

i'm just glad to be back with the people i love the most.