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kristy 🏆
will death glare whoever is talking to you. if they don't get the hint she'll peck your lips then turn around and smirk at the person. usually they would get the hint and walk away. "your mine" she says while scoffing.

dawn 🌬
she trusts you but she still wanted people to know you were her's. "hey babe" she's saying running up to you kissing you and wrapping her arms around you. "oh what were you talking to my GIRLFRIEND about" she asks with a fake smile. the other person would get irritated and just make up and excuse to leave. once they left she smirked and says "they really tried" to which you both laughed to.

stacey 💅🏼
she's be right next to you when someone comes and flirts with you. she stays quite but grabs your hand. the other person doesn't seem to get a hint to she whispers in your ear how she's uncomfortable and you make an excuse to leave. once you left she would apologize which you would always say you didn't mind.

mary ann 📓
she would be across the room when a girl came up to you. the random girl was flirting with you while mary ann was staring with a sad look. like a lost puppy. when the person wasn't looking you waved her over. she hesitantly came over. you cut off the girl mid sentence and said "meet my girlfriend mary ann". as you said that she smiled at you. "you- you have a girlfriend?" the girl asked glaring at mary ann. "yeah she does" mary ann said gaining a spark of confidence. "and she the best girlfriend ever." i said kissing her check which brought a cherry red color to her cheeks. "ew" the girl said glaring at us both now and walked away.

claudia 🎨
you were at her art show watching her present her artwork to the judges when this boy walked up to you. "hey cutie, you like art too." he said with the creepiest smirk. claudia heard and turned her head towards us and gave me a hurt look. that broke my heart. "yeah i do, especially my girlfriends art" i said painting towards claudia and her art. "oh cool." he said walking away. i finished watching claudia show off her art with a proud smile on my face.

sam thomas 🎸
you were in the audience watching his band play. you were sitting next to this guy would keep saying this in you ear and eyeing you up and down. you could see sam glare at the boy besides you. when the show ended sam stormed off the stage. what happened is he okay? i panicked until i felt arms wrap around me. "hey baby" sam's voice said while he glared at the sam guy. "hey sam" i giggled. i guess the sam got irritated and said "so you gonna stare at my girlfriend or are you gonna go before you regret it".

logan Bruno 🎭
when this boy gets jealous it's the cutest thing ever. he'll get really sad and pouty. he'll tug on your hand and give you sad looks. if you ignore him he'll straight up start crying. he knows you love him but he doubts it sometimes. please don't make him sad :(

sorry if i missed anyone