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logan bruno

he was just a smart boy in my english and theater class. nothing more right? oh no, i think i like LOGAN BRUNO. i mean he's funny, he's cute, he's great at theater, he's- oh wow i really do like logan. well it doesn't matter because there's no way he's gonna find out and there's definitely not a chance that he likes me back.

throughout the whole week i would light up whenever i saw him. the girls (bbc) even made comments about it to like... "why do you keep looking at logan" and "you guys would be the cutest couple ever!". but every time they would say something i would just brush it off and walk away like they didn't say a thing. but true is, i was falling for him and i was falling for him bad.

logan and i used to be really good friends actually. i mean we're literally neighbors. now we just kinda smile at each other and say hi once in a while. well i haven't even been doing that anymore :(. whenever he tries to talk to me i kinda just walk away and act like i heard nothing. i know i'm being mean but it's weird now with me liking him and everything.

here i was in the hallway at my locker. i was on my 10 minute break in between class. i had just put all my math stuff away and got my phone out. i went and sat at my favorite bench to just wait for the next bell to ring.

I was about 4 minutes in which meant we only had 6 minutes left of break. i was scrolling through tiktok when i felt someone sit beside me. i looked up and not to my surprise it was logan. i stood on my feet about to walk away when he said my name and gently grabbed my arm. now i had to talk to him, great. "oh um hi" i said sitting down once again.

"hey, have you been ignoring me?" he asked with a sad smile. now i feel really bad but he doesn't understand. "no? we don't talk much anymore" i said trying to smile at him. "oh, right" he said looking down. "yea" i said also looking down. "well do you wanna come over after school? sleep my trampoline and talk just like old times?" he asked. i smiled at his invitation. "yeah logan that would be good" my heart was literally pounding!! maybe we can be close again!

"okay, that sounds cool, you can meet our new dog too" he said excited which was adorable. "aww yeah i have heard all about her, I'll come over with snack after school" i added. "okay sounds perfect just like before" he smiled. then the bell rung. "bye y/n i miss you already" he said getting up. i got up to and hugged him. "i already miss you too"

i texted the bbc groupchat to tell them that i sadly couldn't hang out today. they weren't the happiest but we didn't have a meeting today so i wasn't gonna miss much. of course kristy asked why i wasn't gonna be able to hang out with them like every friday. so, like a good friend i told them the truth and of course they were shipping us until i told them i had to go.

before i left i packed a bag with the necessities and extra clothes just in case i spend the night. and then obviously i had to bring a bag full of candy and chips as well as some drinks. i was always super excited to hang out with Logan but it was different now. i had finally realized my feelings for him. but besides that i texted logan that I'd be at his house in about a minute considering we were neighbors.


i just went straight into the back yard where logan and his new dog were. i quickly placed the bags down and rushed over to meet astrid! she was so cute! as soon as i ran over there she jumped on me making me fall down laughing. logan started laughing too. "well she definitely likes you more than me that's for sure" he said helping me up which gave me massive butterflies. "that's because i'm cooler" i said  sassily while petting astrid. "yeah you really must be" he laughed his cheeks turning red. they are only red because he was laughing.. i think

"bee's inside i know he missed you a ton" logan said opening the sliding door, we both went inside. i walked over to the sleeping dog i just pet him softly. he opened his eyes and as soon as he saw it was me he jumped up. he was a small dog but boy was he sure full of energy. he started licking my face and i just laughed. then i heard a snap. i turned my head and logan was taking pictures. "logannn" i laughed. "whattt it's cute" he said. he's obviously talking about the dog.. yeah he's talking about bee


now we were outside sitting on Logan's trampoline and just catching up on life. we talked about the babysitters club, our families, school, theater, but most importantly how much we missed hanging out together. "we'll get to spend a lot of time together during summer. our parents are already planning a trip again." logan said. every year our two families combined go on a trip together for about a week after logan and i get back from camp which is like 2 weeks long. we spend a lot of time together.

"oh that's awesome i hope it's something like hollywood again" i laughed remembering what happened there. we made two friends. one being a girl and one being a boy. the boy had a crush on me and the girl had a crush on logan. it was funny cause logan and i acted like we were dating to make them mad. "I really hope not because that's was terrifying when that one girl we met would stare at me with a weird look" he said making the both of us laugh. "you have to admit it was really funny though" i said yawning. "yeah i guess it was" he said looking down at me.

"yea it- it was" i said as we both leaned closer. that's when our lips connected. my heart was jump and i was screaming on the outside. i had to keep my cool, i was kissing my bestfriend.
once we pulled away we kept close to each other and just looked at one another. we leaned in again. this time was a much faster kiss. his lips felt so good on mine, this was meant to be. we finally let go as we were breathing heavy trying to get back on track again. "my mom is gonna kill me" i said looking at him. "but this is what our parents always wanted" he said

"your right. so are we a thing now?" i asked biting my lip. "mhm we are" he said as he leaned in once again

i'm sorryyyy this one was bad but i mean at least logans cute