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kristy thomas (because i love her)

kristy's pov :
today was a very important club meeting, well every club meeting is important but especially this one. i kristy thomas president of the babysitters club has liked y/n l/n for two years. everyone is the bbc knows about my crush except her. the girls had been pushing me for the last fiveish months to tell y/n. are guess what, today's the day i tell her. i just hope it doesn't ruin or friendship. the girls (except you) were arriving early to help me set up things. i got her favorite candy, her favorite drink, and I'm gonna be playing the playlist we made together.

well now that i think about it, it's not gonna be a club meeting. we're all gonna "chill out" until i confess my feelings for y/n. my favorite thing about her is that she just understands me and she has a bit of an attitude. she's sassy but she's amazing with kids. she's pretty and she's the best at sports well, second best I'm the first but still. she's be-

my thoughts got caught off by the girls slamming the door and all running in my room. "sooo, talked to y/n today?" dawn smirked while asking me. "well that was obnoxious. but yes, yes i did" i said nodding and my heart warming at the thought of y/n. "you know, if your not comfortable with confessing to her today we can just have a normal chill day" mary ann said giving me a sincere look. "yeah but i can make my own choices and it's now or never, plus i don't want that Connor dude (a boy who has a crush on you) to even get the slightest chance with her" i told the girls who were around me very interested in what i was saying.

"yeah so let's just get everything set up" claudia said clapping her hands together. "yeah let's do this" Stacy said smiling.

we had just got everything set up then i decided to text y/n.

                                                  kristy thomas #1😍
                                 hey y/n are you almost here? we're just all gonna chill out today i guess. it's         just a day to um catch up with everyone   

y/n 🏄‍♀️🤍
yeah kristy almost there! and
that sounds cool :)

                                                 kristy thomas #1 😍
                                                                    alright 🙂

oh this girl had my heart in her hands i swear. "is lover girl almost here?" stacey asked with a smirk. "shut up stacey-" i got cut off by my bedroom door opening. "if you mean me then yesss i am here" y/n said flipping her hair with sas. then she stopped in her tracks when she saw all her favorite things and heard her  favorite song. (play your favorite song quietly here if u want) "awww guys you didn't" she said with a pout which was kristys favorite thing ever. "actually it was all kristy's idea" dawn said looking in between the two girls. before y/n could say anything dawn continued "well actually she needs to talk to you one on one so let's go guys".

y/n pov :
all the girls had left. i wonder what thomas wants to talk to me about. "so wassup" i said as i laid down on my stomach directly across from kristy. i grabbed a piece of candy and looked up at the beautiful girl with curiosity. "so um" she started looking nervous. i gave her a warning smile to let her know that i was listening. "im not exactly sure how to say this because i've never felt like this before" she rambled. "felt like what kristy" i asked giving her my fullest attention. "i'm just gonna spit it out. i like you and i have for about two years. your on my mind 24/7 and i just wanted you to kno-" she stopped when she saw that i froze and my eyes went wide

THE KRISTY, KRISTY THOMAS LIKES ME??! SHE LIKES ME??! i immediately started blushing and stood up. i faced her completely and gave her a hug like i was gonna lose her forever. "i feel the same kristy, your the only person i love and i'll ever love" i said with happy tears growing in my eyes. i pulled away but we still had our arms around each other. "so does this mean we're dating?" kristy asked making fake gagging sounds. "yeah it does, but let me do puke real quick" i joked.

"AWWW" the door squeaked open to reveal the rest of the bbc. and of course stacy had her phone out. "you guysss" i blushed even harder and looked down.

i could get used to this <3